IPB University Introduces Hydroponic Farming to Mahabodhi Vidya High School Students

IPB University Introduces Hydroponic Farming to Mahabodhi Vidya High School Students

IPB University Kenalkan Budi Daya Hidroponik kepada Siswa SMA Mahabodhi Vidya

A total of 104 students and teachers from Mahabodhi Vidya High School participated in hydroponic farming training at the Agribusiness Technology Park (ATP) of IPB University. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the practice of hydroponic farming conducted within the greenhouses and plant factory located at IPB University’s ATP.

During the event, the students received various topics including an introduction to the ATP facilities at IPB University, the process of sowing seeds, transplanting, harvesting, and the concept of agricultural product marketing. Sharfina, SP who served as the facilitator for this activity, stated, “This is an excellent activity to introduce clean and modern agriculture to the younger generation.” Putri Hapsari, SP, who co-facilitated the event, expressed that the high school students and teachers were highly enthusiastic and engaged throughout the entire program.

Yudi, a facilitator from SobaTani Agro, introduced the process of packaging (packing) fresh products to meet consumer qualifications. Before packaging, the products must undergo a quality control process that includes sorting.

“Quality products need to be packaged and sorted to meet consumer standards,” he explained.

Danang Aria Nugroho, SE, MSi, the Supervisor of Agromaritime and Digital Farming Services at DPMA IPB University, stated, “The introduction of agriculture to high school students should be continuously promoted through visits, short training sessions, and field trips to agricultural areas like ATP IPB University. We are ready to serve as a learning center for agriculture for the people of Indonesia.” (*/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)