In Rabuan Bersama, IPB University Rector Presents Policy Package to Support Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

In Rabuan Bersama, IPB University Rector Presents Policy Package to Support Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Rabuan Bersama, Rektor IPB University Paparkan Paket Kebijakan untuk Menunjang Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU)

IPB University Rector, Prof Arif Satria, presented IPB University’s mid-year achievements during a session titled Rabuan Bersama 2023, (20/9). During this occasion, Prof Arif Satria mentioned that IPB University had achieved the gold standard in its Key Performance Indicators (IKU) specifically, IKU 5 achieved 106 percent in the category of Research and Community Service (PPM) with a reputation and application in the community, IKU 6 achieved 69 percent in the category of program collaboration with reputable partners, and IKU 8 reached 20 percent in the international accreditation category.

“For this reason, we sincerely hope that the deans of faculties and department heads can closely monitor the progress of these IKU, especially those that have not yet met the gold standard, so that they can be pushed and encouraged to reach and even surpass the standard,” he stated.

In addition, Prof Arif presented several policy packages aimed at achieving IPB University’s performance targets. He mentioned that IPB University had prepared 17000 free user accounts for micro-credential programs for Bachelor’s (S1) and Applied Bachelor’s (D4) degrees. This program can provide added value to IPB University graduates.

“The first policy package provides students with the flexibility to take various courses or subjects that are available. The second policy package is certification and competency for lecturers and educational staff,” said Prof Arif.

Meanwhile, the third policy package is a grant for strengthening divisional organizations. This effort is crucial to assist divisions in developing their knowledge roadmap.

The fourth policy package provides educational assistance for the children of government employees (PNS) in Grade I and II, as well as contract employees (elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP), and high school (SMA)) per semester.

“The fifth policy package focuses on enhancing IPB University’s research, divided into three categories: Fundamental Research (Ri-Fund) aimed at increasing the participation of IPB University lecturers in research. There is also International Collaboration Research (Ri-Koin) to enhance the International Research Network (IRN), and finally, National Collaboration Research (Ri-Ka) with the goal of increasing collaboration with domestic universities,” he explained.

Prof Arif continued with the seventh policy package, which focuses on staff mobility assistance. This program aims to facilitate the participation of lecturers and researchers (PNS/non-PNS/permanent employees) in international conferences/workshops/seminars that will be held from August 2023 – June 2024.

Prof Arif Satria also mentioned the eighth policy package related to the world-class professor policy. This policy aims to facilitate visiting professors at IPB University, which will have implications for increased cooperation activities with partners, including producing publications in reputable journals. (Ns) (IAAS/DSR)