The Joy of a Healthy Morning Walk in Celebration of the 60th Dies Natalis of IPB University

The Joy of a Healthy Morning Walk in Celebration of the 60th Dies Natalis of IPB University

Keseruan Jalan Pagi Sehat dalam Rangka Dies Natalis ke-60 IPB University

Thousands of IPB University students and alumni have already crowded the Andi Hakum Nasoetion (AHN) IPB University Rectory Field since 6 o’clock in the morning, 17/9. They appeared enthusiastic to participate in the Healthy Morning Walk (Japas), which is held annualy as part of IPB University’s Dies Natalis celebration.

The participants of Japas 2023 included students, faculty members, and educational staff from various faculties and schools at IPB University. Not only that, the general public were also very excited about joining in on this healthy walk around the IPB University campus.

“Every year we organize this event (Japas), and every friday we arrange a healthy lifestyle program to promote both a healthy and environmentally friendly life through green lifestyle. This is something that we, together, encourage at our beloved IPB University campus,” explained the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria.

“Most importantly, I hope that all of you ladies and gentlemen stay healthy. Take care of yourself on the route. May you reach your destination,” Prof Arif Satria said as he symbolically flagged off the participants of Japas 2023 with a black and white flag.

The route for Japas 2023 made its start from the Andi Hakim Nasoetion Rectory Field, then to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Lake, Cikabayan Faculty of Agriculture Field Laboratory, Al-Hurriyah Mosque, Information Resource Services (LSI), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), Ramin Street, and back to the Rectory Field. Along the way, Japas participants chanted their respective unique faculty and unit cheers.

This year’s Japas event was also enlivened with various traditional games competitions such as tug of war, sack race, clog race, and barrel race. What’s even more exciting and eagerly anticipated by Japas participants are the door prizes with attractive prizes.

The Japas activities in celebration of the 6 decades of IPB University have been warmly received by participants, one of which included Taufikur Rohman. He confessed his joy for participating in this morning sports activity and hopes that it can be held again in the following years.

“This year’s Japas seems even more festive, with more participants, and a plethora of attractive door prizes. There are also a variety of food and beverage stalls to choose from. Hopefully, activities like this can continue next year,” said an IPB University alumni from the Department of Science Communication and Community Development (SKPM).

Japas has also become an attraction for the new students of IPB University’s 60th batch. Renaldi Budiman Putra Pratama, a third-semester student from the Department of Aquatic Product Technology at IPB University, shared his excitement during Japas. He mentioned that this is the first such sports activity he has participated in since becoming a student at IPB University.

“It feels very festive, lively, warm, and fun. Going for a healthy morning walk with the IPB University Rector is definitely an experience that I will never forget in my life. I hope that next year, this event will be even livelier and much more exciting. For this year’s Japas, it’s the best,” he shared. (MHT) (IAAS/ZRT)