Getting to know the Agricultural Campus through Jelajah IPB University

Getting to know the Agricultural Campus through Jelajah IPB University

Mengenal Kampus Pertanian Melalui Jelajah IPB University

Jelajah IPB is a campus introduction activity for students who are interested in registering and becoming IPB University students. This activity was attended by high school students (SMA) or equivalent throughout Indonesia. Jelajah IPB 2023 was held at Graha Widya Wisuda Building, Campus of IPB Dramaga Bogor, 16/9.

In his speech, the Secretary of the Institute (SI) of IPB University, Prof Agus Purwito welcomed the arrival of the school students at the campus of IPB University. He also explained why IPB University should be one of the campuses of choice.

“The IPB University campus area has 30 percent managed for development and 70 percent we still maintain as a green area. Therefore, our campus is one of the green campuses in Indonesia. Our campus is also a university that has international accreditation,” he said.

Prof Agus explained that IPB University also provides scholarships so that all students graduate without any cost hindrance. In this activity, we have prepared an exhibition booth of study programs and today we will take part in exploring IPB in a day, exploring the campus, study programs, and the surrounding environment,” he concluded.

Prof Deni Noviana, Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs said that 85 percent of study programs at IPB University are superior study programs. “IPB University has 85 percent of superior study programs consisting of 9 faculties and 4 schools and a total of 169 study programs at IPB University including postgraduate,” he said.

He explained, that IPB University also has 25 internationally accredited study programs. This means that the educational standards in these study programs have followed international standards. IPB’s target in 2028 all undergraduate study programs must be internationally accredited.

The Director of Directorate of Education Administration of IPB University, Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri, explained that in 2022 all selection paths to enter higher education changed. “So the admission of new students for diploma and undergraduate programs at state universities is combined in the national pathway, namely the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) and National Selection Based on Test (SNBT),” she explained.

The Director of Directorate of International Education, Puji Mudiana, SP, MA who was also present at the event explained the reason IPB University opened international classes. “The reason IPB University opens international classes is that we are confident because we already have international accreditation and this is a strong capital because it means that the IPB University curriculum can be compared with the curriculum of similar study programs throughout the world,” she said.

Jelajah IPB University was attended by no less than 3,000 students from various regions. Not only students, but the teachers also seemed to be present to witness the info title of the study programs at IPB University. (Lp) (IAAS/TNY)