IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from Unida Gontor

IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from Unida Gontor

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Terima Kunjungan Unida Gontor

Graduate School (SPs) IPB University received a visit from the delegation of Darussalam University (Unida) Gontor. Unida Gontor’s visit was related to the management and academics at SPs IPB University. Previously, the Unida Gontor delegation was received at the IPB University Quality Management Office to review the development of a quality culture and improve the quality assurance system.

Representatives from Unida Gontor included Dr Mohammad Muslih (Head of Quality Assurance Agency), Dr Azidni Rafiqo (Vice for Internal Quality Assurance System), Dr Syamsuri (Vice for External Quality Assurance System), Febrian Arif Wicaksono, SHI, MH (Vice for Risk Management), Daud Sukoco, SHI, ME (Database and Quality Development), and staff.

Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, emphasized in his speech the importance of following up on the cooperation program with Unida Gondor. One of them is related to journal publications and student exchanges in graduate programs. “There is one of the priority programs from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek), namely the double degree program between universities in the country. This program is carried out through funding from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP),” he said.

He added that for programs that are currently relevant and easier to do with SPs, IPB University is a credit-earning program. “There are many programs that are currently carried out, it can be through the Summer Course program, the Winter Course, Population-Activities-Resources-Environments (PARE), Twin College Envoys (Twincle), and there are still other credit-earning programs,” he added.

Prof Dodik also explained that currently the most Q1 international journals in Indonesia are journals related to religion, in this case Islam. According to him, research that can enter Islamic journals at IPB University has great potential. It is not only related to sharia but can also be related to halal science, technology, family and consumer science, and environmental management.

“We may be able to start managing Islamic journals. From IPB University, the science substance already covers everything. However, related to Islam, we need support from Unida Gontor,” he explained.

Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Academic and Student Affairs, Prof Agus Buono, explained that his party currently manages 56 master study programs and 43 doctoral programs. SPs IPB University also manages the professional engineer program (PPI).

He mentioned that there are two types of study program management at SPs IPB University, namely monodisciplinary and multidisciplinary. The monodisciplinary program is managed by each faculty member at IPB University, while the multidisciplinary program is managed by SPs IPB University.

“For the admission of new students and monitoring the evaluation of the study period, it is carried out by SPs IPB University. So, we coordinate quality assurance in all study programs, both masters and doctoral programs, in all faculties,” he said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/MZS)