Talking with Postgraduate Schools: IPB University is the Favorite Choice for LPDP Awardees

Talking with Postgraduate Schools: IPB University is the Favorite Choice for LPDP Awardees

Ngobrol Bareng Sekolah Pascasarjana: IPB University Jadi Favorit Pilihan Awardee LPDP

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) holding again a ‘Talk Together’ event. In this second edition, the topic is about List of Study Programs at IPB University with the Indonesia Endowment Funds for Education (LPDP) Scholarships. The event was attended by Gunawan, SE as the LPDP SPs IPB University Awardee Coordinator and guided by Setiadi M, Noor, SPi as the host.

During the event, Gunawan revealed that SPs IPB University was the favorite choice for the LPDP awardee. Currently, the number of LPDP alumni from SPs IPB University is 1,403 students. In fact, there are more than 410 active awardees in 2023.

“The IPB University campus is in the top 5 choices for LPDP awardees. IPB University also has the most study programs (prodi) at postgraduate level. “The study programs are unique and not owned by other campuses,” he explained.

In this event, Gunawan said there were two ways to register via LPDP. First, by using an Unconditional Letter of Acceptance (LoA) from the destination university (PT). Second, without an LoA, students secure their funding first, then register at the destination university.

He also shared tips regarding LPDP registration at SPs IPB University. Gunawan suggested that prospective students register in stage one, from February to April. Apart from getting the LoA faster, the study preparation time is also longer, because the lectures only start in August.

“Apart from that, students also have more free time to take care of matters at LPDP, such as preparing for departure and processing Letters of Guarantee (LoG) related to funding if they have been accepted as LPDP awardees,” he added.

Gunawan added, if prospective awardees who have registered at SPs IPB University have not been lucky enough to get an LPDP scholarship in wave 1, or the target study program does not open registration in the even semester (because for even semesters not all study programs open registration), they can apply for a study postponement ( defer) which will be opened by SPs IPB University after the new student registration process ends.

“The lecture postponement letter that has been approved by SPs IPB University is only valid for one year (two semesters). “Prospective awardees can attach the previous LoA with a letter of reply to postpone their studies to try to register for the LPDP in the next wave, if they did not previously pass the LPDP,” he concluded. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)