Intravena 59: Introduction Period for SKHB IPB University Students in 2023  

Intravena 59: Introduction Period for SKHB IPB University Students in 2023  

Intravena 59: Masa Pengenalan Mahasiswa SKHB IPB University Tahun 2023

IPB University’s School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) held an Intravenous 59 activity, a series of Faculty Introduction Period (MPF) which is carried out routinely every year. Intravena is held as a forum for SKHB IPB University students to get to know campus life, by instilling the culture and values that exist in SKHB IPB University.

This year, Intravena 59 was attended by 191 participants with the theme ‘Revitalization of the Potential and Ethics of Young Veterinaries with a Spirit of Leadership that Upholds Solidarity’. The series of Intravena 59 activities begins with a gathering through the zoom meeting platform. While the peak day of implementation was held for four days, last mid-August.

In addition to the introduction of faculties and departments, this year the Intravena was also filled in by the Directorate of Student Affairs (Ditmawa) IPB University through an elementary level Student Management Leadership Training (LKMM). (AP/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)