Increasing the Selling Value of Cassava, IPB University Vocational School Students Teach Residents to Make Mocaf Flour

Increasing the Selling Value of Cassava, IPB University Vocational School Students Teach Residents to Make Mocaf Flour

Tingkatkan Nilai Jual Singkong, Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Ajari Warga Buat Tepung Mocaf
Student Insight EN

The Village Community Empowerment Program (P2MD) implemented by the Vocational Food and Nutrition Student Association (Himavopagi) IPB University begins. The service activity will be carried out in Nagrak Village, Sukaraja District, Bogor Regency, West Java. The P2MD Himavopagi IPB University team is carrying out a training program on making mocaf flour to increase the selling value of cassava in Nagrak Village.

The opening of P2MD Himavopagi IPB University was attended by village officials, RT/RW representatives, community leaders and women empowerment of family welfare (PKK). In this activity, Yudisthira and Amanda as team representatives expressed their hope that this activity would be beneficial and increase the selling price of cassava. Apart from that, it is hoped that this program can establish good relationships between the groups involved.

“The existence of training on making mocaf flour can increase and create jobs that were previously only sold in a raw state at a price of around IDR 1,300/Kg,” said Mrr Lukie Trianawati, STP, MSi as the supervisor of Himavopagi IPB University.

Head of Nagrak Village, H Eman Sulaeman revealed that the existence of idle land in the village area encouraged residents to turn nearly 90 percent of the land into cassava gardens. He hopes that this program can make the selling price of cassava higher. “We are ready to fully support and assist this IPB University student program,” he added.

At the opening event, the village community also received introductory material and making mocaf flour by Rianti Dyah Hapsari, STP, MSc who is the supervisor of P2MD Himavopagi IPB University. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)