IPB University Hosts Southeast Asia AHEC Communique Workshop

IPB University hosted the Workshop of Communique ASEAN Higher Education Conference (AHEC) in 2023. The workshop was held on Saturday (5/8) at the IPB International Convention Centre, Bogor. AHEC 2023 was organised with the aim of bringing together university leaders, lecturers, students as well as government representatives and industry stakeholders from Southeast Asian countries.
On the occasion, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria was appointed as the Second Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Higher Education Rector Council (MRPTNI). In addition, the AHEC 2023 Communique book also became the output of this activity.
"Hopefully, the AHEC Communique 2023 book can be utilised by various stakeholders, both representing the world of higher education, government and industry in joint progress in ASEAN," he hoped.
"A big thank you to the drafting team consisting of 38 state universities in Indonesia, including 50 personnel who have worked collectively to make this book. Thank you also to the IPB University team for facilitating the finalisation workshop of the AHEC 2023 Communique book," continued Prof Arif.
Dr Setiawan, Chairman of the AHEC 2023 Committee explained that the book was a crystallisation of thoughts from various webinar series activities that had been carried out. The Communique book has accommodated ideas from multistakeholders both from ministries, ASEAN university leaders and from the industrial sector.
"Thank you Rector of IPB University for facilitating 38 MRPTNI members who were assigned by their respective universities to compile this book. The book is a crystallisation of thoughts that are not only conceptual, but also more to the technical aspects and can be a reference for all related parties," explained Dr Setiawan.
Furthermore, he revealed that there are three taskforces that are the focus of this AHEC Communique book. With 186 pages, the book reflects the developments and challenges faced today. The three taskforces are related to innovation and digital transformation, industrial connectivity and resilience and sustainability.
"In each taskforce, we have chosen a focus that is then elaborated further, for example related to digital-driven research and innovation and digital transformation fusion until how it can then be applied," he said. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)