PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University Initiates ‘Profit Farming’ Concept for Youth of Bubulak Village

PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University Initiates ‘Profit Farming’ Concept for Youth of Bubulak Village


The Agronomy and Horticulture Student Association (Himagron), Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University held a workshop as well as the inauguration of the start of the implementation of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) in Bubulak Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City, West Java on Saturday (22/7). This activity was carried out with the youth, the urban village, RT/RW representatives, the People's Coalition for Food Sovereignty (KRKP) as partners, and local community leaders.

The PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University team chose the topic of Young Farmers Studio by carrying out the program 'Profitani: The Concept of Profitable and Sustainable Farming through Young Farmers Studio as an Effort to Regenerate Farmers'.

"The Profitani program is divided into five major topics, namely sustainable agriculture, agribusiness, post-harvest, sustainable feed production, and SDGs and Village SDGs. The five programs pay attention to agronomic, ecological, humanist, and economical," said Fahad and Latif representatives of the implementation team who explained the work program during the workshop.

According to Fahad, the topic of Sanggar Tani Muda was raised by Himagron IPB University because of concerns related to the decline in farmer regeneration. In addition, many agricultural potentials in Bubulak Village are quite high but have not been optimally utilized.

Dr Arya Widura Ritonga the supervisor of the PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University team said, "Hopefully, all these programs can be implemented properly and correctly, and provide benefits and blessings for all of us." Through this workshop, he also hopes that the youth of Bubulak Village can be more familiar with the topic of Sanggar Tani Muda with the Profitani program and can provide constructive criticism and suggestions for the PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University team.

The program received support from the village. "I support the PPK Ormawa Himagron IPB University program. We want the regeneration of farmers to maximize the land in Bubulak Village, especially RW 09," said Hendra Gunawan as Chairman of RW 09.

Support was also given by Ir Fuad Say Benny the head of Bubulak Village. He said the presence of Himagron IPB University in Bubulak Village fills the void in optimizing the potential in the region, especially the agricultural sector. He reminded me that the challenge in the implementation of the program will be to foster youth commitment to following each series of programs.

In the discussion session, community leaders and youths gave many responses and inputs to optimize the Young Farmers Studio program that will be held in Bubulak Village. (*/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)