Volunteer Talks Review the Role of Gen Z as a Catalyst for Building Emergency Response Awareness and Disaster Mitigation

Volunteer Talks Review the Role of Gen Z as a Catalyst for Building Emergency Response Awareness and Disaster Mitigation


IPB University Student Volunteers initiated the first Volunteer Talks (Retalks), recently. The activity which was held online was intended as one of the disaster mitigation measures.

Retalks 1 aims to provide basic disaster knowledge for the younger generation as a catalyst for building awareness of emergency response and mitigation actions when there is a disaster. The activity was filled in by Ir Ahmad Husein MSi as General Chairperson of the IPB University Alumni Association Independent Volunteer Action (ARM HA).

This activity was carried out in collaboration between Student Volunteers, Student Executive Board (BEM KM) and ARM HA IPB University. The event was attended by students, the Social and Environmental Forum of Student Organizations (Forsosling Ormawa) throughout IPB and the National Social Forum for Indonesian BEM Communities (Fornassosmas BEM SI)

“Retalks 1 was carried out so that students as generation Z are able to know the basic knowledge of disaster. Later students will be able to transfer knowledge to the community, as we don’t know when a disaster will occur, therefore this is a form of mitigation,” said Nurul, Minister of Agriculture and Community Social Affairs of the Student Executive Board (BEM KM) IPB University.

Coordinator of Fornassosmas BEM SI region IV, Latif Hidayatul Ikhsan said, “These students have extraordinary enthusiasm in the social field, especially in disaster. Synergy from all parties to help each other to our brothers and sisters who are affected by the disaster we must help as we are human beings.”

In the same vein, Ir Ahmad Husein as Chair of ARM HA IPB University stated the importance of the synergy of many parties. “Disasters are something we don’t expect. Synergy from the government, academia, companies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the community itself must be connected to each other to protect each other in order to minimize the impact of a disaster, especially major disasters such as the tsunami in Aceh, the disaster in Lombok, volcanic eruptions and others,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)