IPB University KKN-T Students Socialized Stunting Prevention in Babakan Pasar Urban Village

IPB University KKN-T Students Socialized Stunting Prevention in Babakan Pasar Urban Village


IPB University Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKN-T) students in collaboration with Babakan Pasar Urban Village, Bogor City, West Java held a stunting prevention socialization for integrated service post (Posyandu) cadres.

"This activity aimed to empower posyandu cadres in overcoming the problem of stunting which is still a serious problem in this country," said Siti Syifa, IPB University student representative.

Siti Syifa said this activity was a series of the #Preventstunting program organized by the IPB University Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture group in Babakan Pasar. The program consisted of socializing posyandu cadres, providing additional food, focus group discussions with posyandu cadres, and assisting with weighing toddlers.

This activity invited IPB University lecturers from the Department of Community Nutrition, Purnawati Hustina Rachman, S.Gz., M.Gz. The socialization was attended by 45 posyandu cadres and three Belong Health Center representatives.

"This socialization was held as an effort to increase knowledge for Posyandu cadres in preventing stunting. This activity is excellent so that the posyandu cadres can spread their knowledge to the community again," said Secretary of the Babakan Pasar Village Head, Yudha, S.Hut.

"I would like to thank IPB University  Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture students who have provided this event. I hope that in the future there will be assistance for posyandu cadres in dealing with stunting cases at Babakan Pasar," continued Puspa as posyandu coordinator.

The Posyandu cadre assessed that the involvement of IPB University students helped increase awareness and understanding of the importance of preventing and overcoming stunting. The cadres hope that this collaboration can run smoothly and benefit the community.

This #Preventstunting action is also in line with government programs. To improve the quality of growth and development of children in Indonesia, the government and the World Health Organization (WHO) held stunting socialization for posyandu cadres throughout Indonesia. (*/Rz) (IAAS/BLA)