IPB University’s PKM PM Team Strengthens the Cognitive of Petir Village Children About Disasters Through Various Interactive Media

IPB University’s PKM PM Team Strengthens the Cognitive of Petir Village Children About Disasters Through Various Interactive Media

Tim PKM PM IPB University Perkuat Kognitif Anak-Anak Desa Petir Tentang Kebencanaan Lewat Beragam Media Interaktif

IPB University’s Student Creativity-Community Service Program (PKM PM) team successfully completed the first stage of the Educana program in Sempur Village, Petir Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. The inaugural community service program for IPB University students is called Satucana which aims to strengthen the cognition of village children regarding landslide disasters and their mitigation.

Salamah as the team leader said disaster education was held every Sunday throughout the month of August. Education is carried out through various interactive media. IPB University students started the first stage of Satucana through visual media, in the form of a pop up book. This pop up book is made with the main basic ingredient in the form of used cardboard waste.

“Through the pictures that appear in the pop up book, children can more easily understand landslide disasters and the flow of dealing with them, from pre-disaster to post-disaster,” she commented.

In the next meeting, continued Salamah, the team applied a visual aid in the form of a puzzle made of cardboard. The use of puzzles was chosen so that the children could play directly and recall the landslide material presented at the previous meeting.

“The use of this puzzle is also more effective in conveying material regarding disaster preparedness bags and disaster signs which are important aspects of this education,” she added.

At the end of Satucana, children are invited to play snakes and ladders. In this game, they were challenged to face a general challenge and answer questions regarding disaster material that had been conveyed in the previous two weeks through the question cards that had been prepared.

“Next, the PKM PM IPB University team will prepare the second phase of the Educana program, namely Duacana. “Complete information and our activities will be updated via the Instagram account @educana.id,” explained Salamah. (Adi/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)