IPB University Celebrates 60th Anniversary

IPB University Celebrates 60th Anniversary

IPB University Rayakan Dies Natalis Ke-60

IPB University celebrated its 60th Anniversary on Friday, (1/9). With the theme ‘IPB Digdaya, Indonesia Jaya’, the opening ceremony took place at Grha Widya Wisuda, IPB Dramaga Campus.

Prof Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Chairman of the Board of Trustees (MWA) of IPB University said, at the age of 60 this year, IPB University is expected to continue to inspire the development of Indonesia and develop innovative science and technology (science and technology) for the benefit of society, nation and state.

“I express my appreciation to the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria and his staff who have built good synergy and collaboration in the governance of IPB University. As well as appreciation to lecturers, education staff and students who have shown achievements with superior works nationally and internationally, so as to bring IPB University to become a superior and very proud university,” he said.

According to him, IPB University is able to answer the complexity and uncertainty in the fields of food, energy, health and economy. Various new crises that must be prepared comprehensively.

“In order to answer the complexity and uncertainty in the fields of food, energy, health, economy and various new crises that have emerged, the Board of Trustees of IPB University has authorized a strategic plan for 2024-2028 in a visionary manner through the theme ‘IPB 5.0: Resilient, Transformative and Sustainable’. This strategic plan is considered as IPB University’s response to the various challenges of disruption.

On the same occasion, Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria outlined five strategic agendas, after 60 years of IPB University. The five agendas include first, IPB University will lead food innovation and transformation of the Indonesian economy as a middle income country to grow fast through agromaritime industrialization 5.0. Second, IPB University will change from a national trendsetter to a global growth leader in the field of inclusive sustainable agromaritime.

“Third, IPB University leads the global-south higher education network to transform from resource based to inclusive innovation based sustainable development. Fourth, IPB University prepares young technopreneurs and sociopreneurs to drive rural transformation as a growth center. And finally, IPB University will carry out matchmaking of higher education systems with the agromaritime industry and creative communities,” he explained.

These five agendas, said Rector, were compiled in an effort to realize Indonesia’s economic projections in 2050-2075 which are predicted to be in the top four positions in the world after the United States, China and India. To get there, Prof Arif emphasized the preparation of mature and systematic industrialization (reindustrialization). With the concept of agromaritime industrialization 5.0, he believes it will be able to contribute to a more resilient national economy. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)