SOE Food Srikandi Inspires IPB University Students to Have a Successful Career in SOEs

SOE Food Srikandi Inspires IPB University Students to Have a Successful Career in SOEs

Srikandi Pangan BUMN Beri Inspirasi Mahasiswa IPB University Sukses Berkarir di BUMN

The Directorate of Student Affairs through Career Development & Assessment (CDA) IPB University collaborated with Srikandi Pangan BUMN to hold Srikandi Goes to Campus at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, 28/8. Srikandi Pangan is a community of women who work in BUMN. This event was held in order to provide inspiration to attract students to pursue a career in BUMN.

Director of Student Affairs of IPB University, Dr Ujang Suwarna conveyed that this event is very relevant to the current condition of students, which is dominated by 60 percent of women. On the other hand, IPB University has an admission path for the Chair of Student Council with a quota of 20 percent women.

“So there is an opportunity for women to become leaders. This means that women are starting to outnumber men,” said Dr Ujang Suwarna.

Furthermore, Dr Ujang said, IPB University developed a talent mapping program to see the talents and interests of students. In the talent mapping, there are at least four career interests that students want. The highest career interest is as a professional, the second is entrepreneurship, the third is bureaucrats and in the field of researchers / lecturers.

Frans Marganda Tambunan, President Director of PT Rajawali Nusantara INdonesia / ID Food, who is an alumnus of IPB University, said that women in BUMN contribute significantly to the progress of BUMN. He said that the abilities possessed by the women can help increase the growth of SOEs.

“This event is to support the Indonesian government’s commitment to increase women’s representation in various aspects of government. In line with that, SOEs also emphasize the 25 percent portion of female leaders. The involvement of women is expected to have a significant impact on development, especially in the food sector,” said Frans Marganda.

The speakers were female leaders in food SOEs, namely Bernadetta Laras, Director of SCM and IT at Food ID; Nina Sulistiyowati, Commercial Director at Food ID; Febby Novita, Business Director at BULOG Forum. The speakers provided information related to the role of food SOEs in maintaining Indonesia’s food security, discussed the contributions and challenges as women or the younger generation in the food sector, and provided positive affirmation for students to pursue a career in SOEs. (dh/ra) (IAAS/Hap)