IPB University Graduate School LPDP Awardees Visit TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya

IPB University Graduate School LPDP Awardees Visit TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya

Awardee LPDP Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Kunjungi TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya

Awardees of the IPB University Postgraduate School (SPs) Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) carried out the LPDP IPB University Goes to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) activity. They visited the business location of the Mutiara Bogor Raya Integrated Waste Disposal Site-Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (TPST 3R), Katulampa Village, East Bogor, Bogor City.

This activity was initiated by the Networking and Creative Economy Division of ‘Kelurahan LPDP 10.0’ (as LPDP SPs IPB University awardees are called). The aim is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and knowledge about the management and management of business activities from creative economy business actors to awardees.

The Mutiara Bogor Raya TPST 3R MSME is engaged in waste recycling, organic farming and fisheries integration activities. Waste generated by the Mutiara Bogor Raya Housing Complex is processed by applying the 3R concept. An Environmentally Friendly Village is also built by implementing business activities that can solve the problem of waste generated every day, one of which is through the cultivation of Black Soldier Fly (BSF).

“This program is a means of preparing LPDP awardees to be able to contribute to Indonesia through socio-entrepreneurial activities. We learned many things related to the waste management process chain so that it can have more value, both economically, socially, and environmentally, said Gunawan the awardee coordinator.

He hopes that this program can be a provision for the participants to be able to contribute to waste management in their area when they return to their home area.

Sri Suhartini, one of the managers of TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya, explained that the transformation of TPST 3R is supported by several parties, especially the government to encourage waste management and business unit development. One of the innovations made is waste management through maggot cultivation obtained from the Bogor City Agriculture Office.

“TPST 3R has been running since 2009 for approximately 15 years. Of course, it is not easy in the process. At first, there were five employees and now there are 14 employees who manage waste. In addition, we received some assistance from Bank Indonesia, Bogor City Government, Environment Agency, Manpower Agency, Health Agency and others,” she explained.
Sri added that in one day the waste that enters the Mutiara Bogor Raya TPST 3R amounts to 800 kg to 1,000 kg, which is dominated by organic waste. The waste is then sorted into organic, inorganic, and residual waste. In this place, organic waste is utilized in products of economic value.

“Currently, TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya has produced 21 products and 5 services. The business model includes seven business-to-business (B2B) products and 14 business-to-consumer (B2C) products,” she continued.

Meanwhile, Bandung Sahari, Chairman of TPST 3R Mutiara Bogor Raya, said that his party had received an award as the best TPST in Bogor City. The work that has been done so far is not only helping in waste management but also empowering the surrounding community as TPST operators.

“We carry out this activity sincerely and hope that TPST 3T here can continue to grow, especially to help and provide welfare for the local community,” he said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)