Legitimate, ARM HA IPB University East Kalimantan Branch Officially Inaugurated

Legitimate, ARM HA IPB University East Kalimantan Branch Officially Inaugurated

Sah, ARM HA IPB University University Cabang Kalimantan Timur Resmi Dikukuhkan

The Independent Volunteer Action of IPB University Alumni Association (ARM HA) branch of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) was officially formed. The Regional Executive Board (DPD) of HA IPB University East Kalimantan for the period 2023-2027 was inaugurated in a solemn inauguration ceremony at the Mercure Hotel Ballroom, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Sunday (27/8). The first Regional Work Meeting of DPD HA IPB University East Kalimantan was also held during this event.

The establishment and inauguration were witnessed directly by the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, Assistant III of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, Ir Riza Indra Riadi, Chair of the Vice for Environment and Natural Resources of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN), Dr Mirna Asnawati Safitri and Chairman of the DPP HA IPB University, Dr Walneg S Jas.

“The presence of ARM HA IPB University in East Kalimantan proves the spirit of mutual cooperation of IPB University alumni in this province, which is the character of the Indonesian nation in dealing with humanitarian and disaster social problems,” said Assistant III of East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Riza Indra Riadi. This alumnus of IPB University batch 21 was also elected as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of HA IPB University East Kalimantan for the period 2023-2027.

Chairman of the DPP HA IPB University, Dr Walneg S Jas, emphasized the importance of the role of alumni for the almamater. He is grateful that HA IPB University has a very good relationship with his almamater, IPB University. In the humanitarian field, he hoped that ARM HA IPB University could emerge as a national-level humanitarian organization and become a role model.

“By being escorted by activists who have experience in the humanitarian world, I am sure that this goal will be achieved,” said Walneg.

For the elected Chairman of DPD HA IPB University East Kalimantan, Ir Sulaeman, MP, IPU, the presence of ARM HA IPB University in Bumi Etam is a matter of pride. According to Sulaeman, the request for the establishment of ARM HA IPB University in East Kalimantan was based on noble intentions to expand the range of benefits that IPB University alumni can do in the humanitarian field.

In addition, East Kalimantan became the first branch to be established after the legal status of the foundation from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) of the Republic of Indonesia to ARM HA IPB University in 2021 and since the ratification of the ARM Strategic Plan (Renstra) 2022-2024.

“The formation of ARM in East Kalimantan is expected to further enliven the spirit of volunteerism of IPB University alumni. Moreover, this region is not free from disaster vulnerability, especially floods and forest and land fires (karhutla),” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ASB)