Did an MoU with Laznas IZI, Educational Staff of IPB University Now Could Continue Undergraduate Studies

Did an MoU with Laznas IZI, Educational Staff of IPB University Now Could Continue Undergraduate Studies

Lakukan MoU dengan Laznas IZI, Tendik IPB University Kini Bisa Melanjutkan Studi Sarjana

IPB University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Amil Zakat Institution (Laznas) Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia (IZI). The signing was carried out by the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria with the President Director of Laznas IZI, Wildhan Dewayana and witnessed by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University.

The signing of the MoU as well as the symbolic handover of scholarships for educational staff (tendik) from Laznas IZI, the National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) and the Sharia People’s Financing Bank (BPRS) Botani Bina Rahmah. Through this scholarship, as many as 8 educational staffs FEM IPB University had the opportunity to continue their studies to the undergraduate level.

“We want to strengthen cooperation in terms of empowerment, social community and philanthropy, including in the development of education. Among the institutions that have this concern are zakat institutions. For this reason, we collaborate with Laznas IZI, which is one of the largest zakat institutions in Indonesia, besides Baznas,” said the Dean of FEM IPB University, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik.

According to Dr Irfan, this collaboration opens up opportunities for the educational staff, especially those who have not received undergraduate education. It is hoped that in the next three years, the capacity and quality of human resources (HR) at FEM IPB University will increase.

The President Director of Laznas IZI, Wildhan Dewayana, conveyed to the scholarship recipients that hopefully the scholarships provided could be useful in efforts to increase human resource capacity. Through the collaboration of IPB University, Baznas, Laznas IZI and BPRS Botani Bina Rahmah are gathered in a commitment through the education sector.

Wildhan explained, Laznas IZI has been established since 2017. There are a total of 60 scholarship recipients studying at various state universities in Indonesia. They were chosen with a commitment to contribute to the world of education in Indonesia.

“Many achievements have been made by the scholarship recipients. We want the zakat and infaq issued from pious people to produce pious people again,” he said.

After the signing of this MoU, several cooperation programs that will be implemented include undergraduate final project assistance, graduate program tuition assistance, eradication of Koranic illiteracy, leadership camp, orphan care program, student pesantren, forest waqf, young entrepreneur assistance, sustainable animal husbandry and improvement of zakat and waqf infrastructure. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)