Gagas Cermat Program, BEM FEM IPB University Introduces Numeration Literacy and Computational Thinking

Gagas Cermat Program, BEM FEM IPB University Introduces Numeration Literacy and Computational Thinking

Gagas Program Cermat, BEM FEM IPB University Kenalkan Literasi Numerasi dan Berpikir Komputasional

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Management (BEM FEM) IPB University initiated the Smart Literacy Corner of Mathematics Skill (Cermat) in Cihideung Ilir Village, Bogor, West Java through the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa). This activity is designed to realize Cihideung Ilir Village intelligent, evenly distributed and brilliant (Cemerlang) based on the goal of sustainable development (SDGs) Village.

“BEM FEM IPB University is back in Cihideung Ilir Village to work together with the community in an effort to realize Smart Village. This Cermat Program is motivated by the low level of achievement of learning outcomes of SD/MI Bogor Regency students in the literacy and numerical ability sections that are under minimum competence which is less than 50 percent,” said Dwi Bayu Saputra, the person in charge of Cermat Corner.

He said, this program was attended by 4th grade students of SDN Cihideung Ilir 04. The activity is filled with an explanation of the meaning of literacy, the meaning of numeracy and the introduction of computational thinking concepts ending with an ice breaking session.

“Through this activity, we hope that program partners can understand more about the Cermat program. Another expected output is that the 4th grade students of SDN Cihideung Ilir can start to recognize literacy, numeracy and computational thinking,” he said.

“We are optimistic that this literacy corner together with partners can collaborate to try to realize Village SDGs number 4 about villages caring for education through teaching and learning that train students’ abilities in solving problems. Through this program, it is hoped that it can develop the life skills of the village community by focusing on the fields of education, economy, environment and health,” he concluded. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MKY)