Encouraging Food Security in Purwasari Village, PPK ORMAWA Himakua IPB University Holds Semi Automatic Incubator Workshop

Encouraging Food Security in Purwasari Village, PPK ORMAWA Himakua IPB University Holds Semi Automatic Incubator Workshop

Dorong Ketahanan Pangan Desa Purwasari, PPK ORMAWA Himakua IPB University Gelar Workshop Semi Automatic Incubator

PPK Ormawa Himakua IPB University introduced the concept of smart farming by making a semi automatic incubator tool in Purwasari Village, Dramaga, Bogor, recently. The semi-automatic incubator tool is the right choice in order to make Purwasari Village a tilapia center village.

Surya Baskara, a student of IPB University as well as the Chief Executive said, “This semi-automatic incubator works by adapting the conditions of egg incubation in the mouth cavity of the tilapia mother. This tool creates conditions for the eggs to always be in an optimal hatching state.

He explained that one incubator tube can hold 500-1000 tilapia eggs. It is equipped with chemical, biological and physical filters. This filter is to keep the water quality sterile.

Meanwhile, Bimosena, a team member who is also a student of IPB University, explained that one important thing that must be considered is that the container used must not have dead corners. This is so that the stirring can be evenly distributed so that there are no rotten eggs. Therefore, the key to the success of this tool is perfect shaking and stable water strength.

“Slow water circulation will produce little movement in the eggs and cause the metabolism of the eggs to slow down, so that the penetrant period is slow.
the metabolic process of the egg is slow, so the hatching period becomes longer and can even be a suitable environment for mold growth. Conversely, too much movement can cause abnormalities and kill eggs and larvae,” he said.

Yusuf Mustopa, Head of Purwasari Village, warmly welcomed the semi-automatic incubator workshop. He said this tool is expected to improve the economy and animal food security in Purwasari Village.

“Thank you to PPK Ormawa Himakua for providing convenience to Purwasari residents. This tool can be used as a prefix to support the village towards the tilapia center,” said Yusuf.

He said that the presence of academics could improve human resources and the environment, especially in supporting tilapia cultivation. “The village also provides this support by providing funds so that there needs to be a commitment so that our common goals can be achieved in the future and can also collaborate with the agency,” said Yusuf (12/8).

This was also reaffirmed by Herlina, Fisheries Extension Officer, Bogor Regency Fisheries Service. She explained that this opportunity is a good momentum for residents to not only cultivate fish traditionally so that their productivity can increase and inspire other villages to also use this technology. (IAAS/SHY)