Postgraduate School of IPB University Evaluate the Implementation of Professional Engineer Program Lectures

Postgraduate School of IPB University Evaluate the Implementation of Professional Engineer Program Lectures

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Perkuliahan Program Profesi Insinyur

The Postgraduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a workshop to evaluate the implementation of lectures for the Professional Engineer Program (PPI) Study Program (Prodi) at the Swiss-Belcourt Hotel, Bogor (19/8). In addition to evaluate the even semester lectures for the 2022/2023 academic year, the workshop also aimed to formulate a plan for the odd semester lectures for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Cooperation and Development Resources said that IPB University had organized PPI based on the Decree of the Rector of IPB No. 203/IT3/PP/2019 with the mandate to prepare human resources (HR) who have sufficient knowledge in the field of higher education for professional engineers. The graduates of the PPI Study Program according to the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) are at level seven (profession) with the professional title of Engineer (Ir).

“Currently, PPI offers seven fields of engineering majors, namely agriculture and agricultural products, fisheries and marine, livestock, forestry, agricultural industry, civil and environment, and applied science,” he said.

The Head of the PPI Study Program, Prof Romli, explained that currently the PPI Study Program has graduated 653 people through the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) pathway who come from various fields of bio-engineering.

“Prospective students in the PPI Study Program for regular programs can be followed by fresh graduates from undergraduate engineering fields, including for graduates with bachelor of education (SPd) and bachelor of science (SSi) degrees in engineering,” he explained.

To ensure regular students can graduate on time, according to Prof Romli, it is necessary to finalize the engineering practice proposal at the end of the first semester. “The implementation of engineering practice must be under the direction of the supervisor by prioritizing engineering practice activities, not explaining the system in the industry. This is to distinguish engineering practice students and field practice,” he continued.

Meanwhile, Deasy Kartika Rahayu Kuncoro, S.T., M.T., as Secretary of the PPI Study Program said that the output of this workshop was to be able to compile the latest standard operating procedures (SOP) for the implementation of odd semester lectures in the 2023/2024 academic year.

“In addition, the selection of supervisors for regular and RPL students can be arranged, as well as a definite academic timeline for the final project exam,” she said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)