Realizing a Golden Generation of Quality Families, the Department of IKK IPB University Holds a Webinar on Family, Children and Consumer Issues
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) IPB University, for the first time, held a National Seminar and Call for Paper on Family, Children and Consumer Issues entitled ‘Creating a Golden Generation with Quality Families’. The agenda which took place at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, was also part of the series of the 18th Anniversary of Fema IPB University.
“Through this activity, the participants can add insight, build professional skills and hone their ability to write scientific papers. More than that, this activity encourages participants to carry out scientific publications,” said Dr Megawati Simanjuntak as the chief executive.
The activity presented competent resource persons from various elements, namely Dr Putri Maulidiana Sari, MA (Youth Expert Policy Analyst, Directorate of Toddler and Child Family Development, National Family Planning Coordinating Board/BKKBN), Dr Ratna Megawangi (Founder of the Indonesian Heritage Foundation), Prof Rumaya Juhari (Universiti Putra Malaysia), Dr Anna Maria Tri Anggraini (Deputy Chair of the Commission on Establishment and Development, National Consumer Protection Agency), Prof Mohamad Fazli Sabri (Universiti Putra Malaysia) and Dr Tin Herawati (Head of the Department of IKK IPB University).
Interestingly, all of the speakers offered topics or issues that could be researched by the audience with presentations on megatrends or future trends, both in the areas of family, child development and future consumer empowerment.
“The activities of the National Seminar and Call for Paper on Family, Children and Consumer Issues are expected to obtain input from academics, scientists, industry experts or researchers in order to improve the quality of scientific work, especially in journals in the Department of IKK IPB University,” said Dr Megawati.
In addition, he continued, this activity could increase a more synergistic network between the IKK IPB University Department and partners who have worked together to improve the quality of scientific work. (IAAS/MFR)