IPB University Holds Dissemination of Urban Forest Landscape Service Management Document Formulation

IPB University Holds Dissemination of Urban Forest Landscape Service Management Document Formulation

IPB University Gelar Diseminasi Perumusan Dokumen Manajemen Jasa Lanskap Hutan Kota

IPB University and the United States Forest Services International Program (USFS-IP) in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Parks and Urban Forest Agency (Distamhut) held an Urban Forest I-Tree Research Project Dissemination related to the formulation of the Urban Forest Landscape Services Management Document (1/8) at the Aston Kartika Hotel, Grogol, Jakarta.

This research aims to formulate a management strategy for the DKI Jakarta Urban Forest to serve as a reference in preparing a guideline plan for urban forest landscape management in DKI Jakarta based on landscape services. The guideline can be a practical guide for urban forest managers to make it easier to maintain and develop urban forests. It can also serve as a guide for other local governments and communities in encouraging the improvement of the quality of urban green open spaces.

Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations said, “Every country has a commitment at the global level to reduce emissions. Although Indonesia’s carbon emission rate is 2 tonnes per year, it is still below the world average of 4 tonnes/year.”

One of the ongoing efforts is through tree planting and maintenance. In the maintenance aspect, he said, monitoring is needed and it can be done using I-Tree Eco tools.

Similarly, Harityas Wiyoga, In-Country Coordinator, USFS-IP added that urban forest management should use I-Tree Eco tools and also involve various actors/communities. Leon Miller as Indonesia Programme Manager, USFS-IP also said, “With this collaboration, Jakarta as the largest city in Indonesia is expected to become a model of urban forest management for urban forest practitioners in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.”

The research results were presented by Dr Kaswanto as the head of the research team. The IPB University lecturer from the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture explained the formulation of the urban forest landscape service management document.

“Jakarta already has an asset, the urban forest. To improve landscape services can be done by caring for, managing and utilising it. The implementation of urban forest landscape service management guidelines is key in strengthening the performance and prestige of urban forests,” he explained.

The research results were also presented by Ghina Akbarinaldi as the research team who explained the results of the focus group discussion (FGD) on landscape service management that had been conducted with Individual Other Service Providers (PJLP), supervisors / persons in charge of urban forests and DKI Jakarta Distamhut last January. The formulation of landscape service management guidelines is a top priority based on the FGD results.

Another research team member, Risdayatri Aulia, explained the implementation and flow of the formulation of the landscape service management document that had been carried out by the team in detail. The Urban Forest Landscape Services Management Document is a document that includes technical guidelines and guidelines that are expected to support the performance of urban forest management in improving landscape services and protecting forests in urban landscapes.

The presentation was also responded by Dirja Kusumah as the Head of Forestry Division of DKI Jakarta Distamhut. “We will educate this urban forest maintenance document to PJLP,” he explained. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that the research and management documents produced can make a positive contribution to the preservation and management of the Jakarta Urban Forest.

The dissemination was attended by DKI Jakarta Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Environmental Agency (DLH), DKI Jakarta Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Planning and Forestry Sub Group, KSDH & DAS Sub Group, PPPH Sub Group, forest farmer groups, forestry extension officers, forestry police, World Research Institute (WRI) Indonesia, Burung Indonesia and Yayasan Belantara. (IAAS/RUM)