PSKPL IPB University and Umrah Kawal Coastal Village Development Plan in Kepri Conservation Area

PSKPL IPB University and Umrah Kawal Coastal Village Development Plan in Kepri Conservation Area

PSKPL IPB University dan Umrah Kawal Rencana Pembangunan Desa Pesisir di Kawasan Konservasi Kepri

Conservation areas play a role in preserving coastal ecosystems, fish resources, and their habitats. The area must also be able to create welfare for marine and fisheries business actors in the area.

For this reason, the Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PSKPL) IPB University and Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH) oversee the development planning of coastal villages within the Regional Marine Protected Area (KKPD) of the Eastern Region of Bintan Island and the Bintan Tambelan KKPD, Riau Islands Province (Kepri).

The plan was initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) together with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Indonesia through the USAID Effective Marine Conservation (USAID Collective) program.

The planning activity was preceded by a Priority Village Selection Workshop. The workshop was attended by regional apparatus organizations within Kepri Province and Bintan Regency, USAID, and the Ecology Foundation.

“Riau Islands has many protected areas in the waters. This potential supports the realization of sustainable fisheries and the welfare of people living in coastal villages, especially those within conservation areas,” said Dr Said Sudrajad, Chair of the Marine and Fisheries Service of Kepri Province.

For this reason, he said, this priority village selection workshop is expected to be able to determine priority locations in accordance with the conditions and potential of marine and fisheries resources.

Deputy Head of PKSPL IPB University for Socio-Economic and Policy, Akhmad Solihin, SPi, MH, explained that the selection of priority villages is the first step to deepen situational analysis for three activities, namely capture fisheries, aquaculture, and marine tourism.

“The selected villages will receive assistance and implement USAID Collective programs to improve the welfare of rural communities living within conservation areas,” added Akhmad Solihin.

Dr Ani Suryanti, a representative from Umrah, a local university partner of this collaboration, emphasized that in the implementation of this situational analysis, we always pay attention to the involvement of stakeholders, including gender, which is of concern to USAID Collective.

“Fishing activities in Bintan are not only a profession for men because many women work as fishermen. In fact, with all its limitations, this fisherwoman is able to sail far,” added Dr Ani Suryanti.

This collaborative activity supports the acceleration of the implementation of sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals), especially SDG 1, namely improving welfare and poverty alleviation in coastal communities, and SDG 14, with efforts to conserve and preserve the life of coastal and marine ecosystems. This program also supports SDG 5 goals, namely gender equality, because it supports the empowerment of women in efforts to improve family welfare and women’s efforts in coastal and marine area management. (ASH/NAD/Rz) (IAAS/MZS)