Dr Eva Anggraeni: IPB University’s Agromaritime 4.0 Concept Answers Development Disconnectivity and Realizes Blue Economy

Dr Eva Anggraeni: IPB University’s Agromaritime 4.0 Concept Answers Development Disconnectivity and Realizes Blue Economy

Dr Eva Anggraeni: Konsep Agromaritim 4.0 IPB University Jawab Diskonektivitas Pembangunan dan Mewujudkan Ekonomi Biru

IPB University’s Director of Global Connectivity, Dr Eva Anggraeni said the concept of agromaritime 4.0 developed by IPB University could be the key to accelerating the implementation of the blue economy in Indonesia. This concept was created due to the urgency that has increased over time regarding the role of maritime and marine in the economy and answering the challenges of the blue economy as the economy of the future.

The concept of agromaritime 4.0, according to him, can also minimize the gap and answer the disconnectivity between development on land and water through research and innovation based on marine complexity. The effort is supported by collaboration without regional and sector barriers on a scale that has not been achieved before.

“The point that needs to be observed in realizing the blue economy is the need to understand and manage well the complexity of the ocean. Starting from fisheries, and water health to institutional complexity, they can be connected, to produce policy recommendations that can be applied,” she said in the Seminar ‘Strengthening Sustainable and Equitable Marine Governance in the National Development Plan’ with Bappenas RI, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment Coordination and the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative, some time ago.

Furthermore, he explained that the blue economy approach is also carried out systematically and integrated based on an understanding of the nation’s priorities, social context, and natural resources.

Agromaritime 4.0 combines the urgency of digital transformation in fisheries and socio-economic development. The concept of a blue economy after the COVID-19 pandemic, he continued, requires digital transformation at the operational level, not just at the top level. The moral economy as the foundation of socio-economic resilience also needs to be encouraged.

“Innovation is the driver of techno sociopreneurship in the concept of agromaritime 4.0 which is oriented towards the development of social impact. In realizing the blue economy, in addition to realizing the concept, IPB University develops smart coastal and fisheries management innovations that continue to be consolidated internally and collaborate with partners,” he explained.

According to him, techno-sociopreneur-based innovation is a motor to harmonize the regenerative mindset and blue economy. Economic transformation is no longer based on exploitation but grows from the preservation and restoration of environmental assets.

“In terms of universities, the role of interdisciplinary science is key to encouraging the development of the blue economy. These evolving sciences must continue to be integrated in order to produce quality research to realize the blue economy,” she added.

Dr Eva also stated that the concept of the blue economy from the perspective of agromaritime 4.0 is also the beginning of a paradigm transformation that places small islands as the center of blue economy growth in Indonesia. Sectors that have developed in small islands such as capture fisheries, aquaculture, and marine tourism need to be supported by other sectors in the marine sector. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)