Extending International Accreditation, Landscape Architecture Study Program IPB University Holds Initial Meeting with IFLA-APR Assessor Team

Extending International Accreditation, Landscape Architecture Study Program IPB University Holds Initial Meeting with IFLA-APR Assessor Team

Perpanjang Akreditasi Internasional, Prodi Arsitektur Lanskap IPB University Lakukan Temu Awal Dengan Tim Asesor IFLA-APR

Located in the Academic Senate Meeting Room, Andi Hakim Nasution Rector Building, Dramaga Campus IPB, Landscape Architecture Study Program (ARL), Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture IPB University received international accreditation visitation from the International Federation of Landscape Architects-Asia Pacific Region (IFLA-APR). The visitation team consisted of three assessors each representing an academic element, namely Assoc Prof Mike Barthelmeh (IFLA-APR) as the team leader, along with members consisting of Dr. Budi Faisal and Dr. Firmansyah from the Indonesian Association of Landscape Architects (IALI).

The visitation series included an initial meeting attended by the Vice Rectors of IPB University and their staff, followed by a review and discussion with the assessor team in the ARL Department.

“IPB University’s ARL Study Program has been accredited by IFLA-APR since 2018 and ends in 2023 to carry out re-accreditation,” explained Prof drh Deni Noviana as Vice Rector for Education and Student Affairs of IPB University in his speech (10/8).

For five years, the ARL IPB University Study Program has always received input from IFLA-APR regarding improving the quality of education, such as adding galleries, book collections and design skills to courses.

“This input is useful and provides change, including the formation of the new 2020 Curriculum (K-2020) and the addition of physical facilities in the ARL Study Program,” explained Prof Deni.

IPB University’s ARL Study Program produces undergraduate graduates who are active at the national and international levels. To obtain a certificate of expertise in landscape architects, graduates of the ARL IPB University Study Program are members of the Indonesian Society of Landscape Architects (ISLA) which is a member of the International Federation of Landscape Architects-Asia Pacific Region (IFLA-APR).

“Therefore, we strongly support the ARL Study Program to extend IFLA-APR international accreditation. We hope that this re-accreditation process can run smoothly and provide the best results for the ARL Study Program, the Faculty of Agriculture and IPB University,” he said.

“Happy to be here for the second time. Five years ago, we were excited about what we saw could be in this study program. And the remarks from Prof Deni and the report that I saw showed me that quite a lot of those things have been addressed. Over the next two days, we will see what changes, developments and improvements have been achieved by the ARL IPB University Study Program over the past five years,” said Prof Mike Barthelmeh ends the initial meeting. (HR/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)