IPB OSIS Fest 2023: Top 15 Student Council Presidents Enter IPB University Through Golden Ticket

IPB OSIS Fest 2023: Top 15 Student Council Presidents Enter IPB University Through Golden Ticket

IPB OSIS Fest 2023: 15 Ketua OSIS Terbaik Masuk IPB University Lewat Golden Ticket

IPB University successfully organized the IPB OSIS Fest 2023 event, which took place from August 5th to 7th, 2023. At the peak of the event (6/8), IPB University awarded a golden ticket to the top 15 student council presidents to pursue their education at IPB University.

The awards night of IPB OSIS Fest was attended by the 50 best high school student council presidents from across Indonesia. All participants underwent rigorous selection based on essay and presentation evaluations. They were challenged to express their opinions on the theme ‘Optimizing the Role of the Younger Generation Through the Development of Agrosociopreneurial Spirit as an Effort to Achieve SDGs’. Participants were given the option to choose one of four sub-themes: entrepreneurship, technology, agriculture, and education.

Muhammad Sheva Dzakwandika, the student council president from SMA Negeri 4 Jayapura, achieved the 1st place title, followed by Ishma Sajida from MAN Kota Banjarbaru as 2nd place, and Pradiptha Arya Sena from SMA Negeri 9 Bekasi as 3rd place. All three were officially awarded mentoring funds and a golden ticket, granting them the golden opportunity to continue their studies at IPB University.

Here is the list of the top 15 student council presidents who earned the golden ticket:

1. Muhammad Sheva Dzakwandika (SMA Negeri 4 Jayapura)
2. Ishma Sajida (MAN Kota Banjarbaru)
3. Pradiptha Arya Sena (SMA Negeri 9 Bekasi)
4. Adi Maulana (MAN 1 Bojonegoro)
5. Arsie Shabrina (SMAIT Fajar Hidayah Kota Wisata)
6. Dini Aulia Wulandari (SMA Quran Asy Syahid)
7. Ghilfani Rahman (MAN Insan Cendekia OKI)
8. Imanuel Supiantho Katili (SMA Negeri 3 Luwuk)
9. Muh. Dzulfaiq Abrar (MAN 2 Kota Makassar)
10. Muhammad Adam Zahari Al Hamidi (SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang)
11. Nadira Naura Nurrachman (SMA Negeri 3 Kota Jambi)
12. Nafisah Nailal Husna (SMA Negeri 6 Bandung)
13. Nayla Syifa Azzahrah (SMA Negeri 5 Jakarta)
14. Salsabiella Hapsarifah Putri Dwihartono (SMA Negeri 7 Tangerang)
15. Siti Nayla Zachrie (MA Sirojul Athfal 2)

Rektor IPB University, Prof Arif Satria memberikan apresiasi tinggi kepada para ketua OSIS terbaik, peserta IPB OSIS Fest 2023. Dengan suksesnya IPB OSIS Fest 2023, ia berharap para ketua OSIS berprestasi di seluruh Indonesia akan semakin terinspirasi dan memiliki peluang besar untuk meneruskan pendidikan di IPB University.

The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, expressed high appreciation for the top student council presidents and the participants of IPB OSIS Fest 2023. With the success of IPB OSIS Fest 2023, he hopes that high-achieving student council presidents from all over Indonesia will be further inspired and have great opportunities to continue their education at IPB University.

“Congratulations to the outstanding student council presidents who have earned the golden ticket. IPB University is committed to nurturing the potential of young future leaders,” he stated. (*/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)