Under Ezza’s Leadership, Himaskap was in the Top 10 of IPB University’s Best Student Association

Under Ezza’s Leadership, Himaskap was in the Top 10 of IPB University’s Best Student Association

Student Insight EN

There are 45 Student Association at IPB University. One of them is the Landscape Architecture Student Association (Himaskap) located at the Faculty of Agriculture. The Chair of Himaskap is now held by Ezza Shafri Saputra. Ezza is a student born in Bekasi who has a hobby in the automotive field. The first child of two siblings hopes that by joining Himaskap, he can provide something different that can be used as a new challenge.

“I hope to provide a new experience for all Himaskap members and students in Landscape Architecture. There have been many activities and programs carried out by Himaskap such as community service activities in Jejak Hijau (JH), World Landscape Architecture Month (WLAM) and many more. WLAM is an activity that involves many parties ranging from children, parents, adolescents and all residents in the location,” he said.

WLAM is held at Taman Sempur Bogor and is held to celebrate the landscape month. WLAM contains live mural art performances, live music, coloring tote bags together.

Ezza hopes that Himaskap will be able to make an impact and change both for all people and for the entire Landscape Architecture community.

“I hope for Himaskap, I hope it will be better than every management and can be useful for all people through all its programs. Being the chairman of student asociation is an opportunity for me to gain experience, add relationships and others. “In addition, I want to be able to contribute at Himaskap to provide something different that has not been given by the previous leaders,” said the fourth-year student who has an automotive hobby.

Ezza who is an alumni of the Jakarta 103 High School has been a member of Paskibra in her school and often participates in the championship. She has won the LFPB Paskibra 40 Jakarta general champion, the LFPB General Champion of Paskibra Lab School Cibubur, the General Champion of LFPB Paskibra SMAN 9 Jakarta.

“While at IPB University, I found that my passion was in the organization. I was able to find that my ability was here and thank God for the hard work of my stewardship period, Himaskap made it into the top ten Best Student Association at IPB University,” he added. (NR)


Keyword: Student Association, Landscape Architecture Student Association, IPB University