IPB Implemented the Study on Habitat and Underwater Vegetation Utilizing Acoustic Method and Remote Sensing Satellite
A group of researchers of the Department of Marine Science and Technology of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK IPB), Indra Jaya, Dr. Syamsul Bahri Agus, and Beginer Subhan, M. Si, have been implementing the research project on the importance underwater habitats and vegetation in determining the productivity of a waters, especially shallow water.
The group has identified, classified and quantified habitats and underwater vegetation in shallow waters by acoustic methods and remote sensing satellites. The first step has been collecting the accurate quantitative information on habitat and underwater vegetation through the development and incorporation of algorithms of currently developed methods.
In this study, the development and incorporation of algorithms for mapping of habitats and underwater vegetation in shallow waters was conducted in an integrated manner between satellite imagery and drone technology. This study was also planned to obtain validated acoustic survey data with field observation (dives).
This research was conducted in the waters of Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta for three years. In its first year the group focused their work on acoustic surveys and satellite image processing, as well as the validated of the observed objects through diving for accurate identification of underwater habitats and vegetation.
During which the group implementing their acoustic survey and satellite image processing to see distribution and significance of seagrass ecosystems and seagrass ID / footprint collection. The team has collected IDs from four types of seagrasses: Cymodocea rotundata, Endahlus acroides, Thalassia hemprichii and Syringodium.
The result of acoustic data processing revealed that seagrass drifts with values between -67.53 to -51.31dB, depending on the angle of the received acoustic emission. In a follow-up study the group conducted the seagrass ID verification in areas with higher biomass and algorithm preparation for the identification, classification and quantification of underwater vegetation habitats. (Wied)