Thousands of the Incoming Students of IPB Joined Independence Parade
In the fourth day of the Initiation Process of the Incoming New Student (MPKMB) to Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), batch 54, held a "Parade of Independence Day" in order to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which will occur on 17 August, on Wednesday, 16 August 2017. The parade was participated by approximately 3,600 new students. They were divided into two groups, one group departed from Grha Widya Wisuda (GWW), and the other group departed from Masjid Al-Hurriyyah IPB, both of groups finished at Gymnasium Sports Hall, IPB Campus, Dramaga. Bogor.
Chairman of the IPB MPKMB Organizing Committee, Rinaldi Pradita, explained that this activity aims to welcome the 72nd Independence Day of RI in fostering national unity and integrity. "In the Independence Day parade, the incoming students sang national songs, such as Indonesia Raya, Berkibarlah Benderaku, Garuda Pancasila, Bagimu Negeri, and Indonesia Pusaka," he said.
Rinaldi stated that through this activity incoming students in the future are expected to guard the independence of the Indonesian people, especially farmers, for their prosperity, peaceful and welfare. "The summit program of the parade took place at the IPB Gymnasium Sports Hall. They carried out speech competition on Independence Day from the best participants, Student Executive Board (BEM KM) IPB, followed by theatrical attraction of public aspiration to the government, "said the student of Department of Nutrition Science and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science (FAPET IPB). (Wied)