Prof Hardinsyah Shares Tips on Managing Diet After Ramadan Fasting

Prof Hardinsyah Shares Tips on Managing Diet After Ramadan Fasting


The post-Ramadan fasting diet will be different from the regular diet. Prof Hardinsyah, Professor of Nutrition at IPB University, shared tips on setting an ideal diet after Ramadan fasting.

“Fasting should be used as a momentum to detoxify the body. Society can make fasting a benchmark for spiritually and nutritionally ideal eating patterns," he said in the Insight With Desi Anwar program on CNN TV Indonesia, some time ago.

Prof Hardinsyah explained, how to manage a healthy eating pattern is similar to intermittent fasting. Meals are limited in terms of amount, type and time. The hope, adopting this ideal diet can reduce body fat and the risk of diabetes.

“To maintain this ideal diet requires a strong mindset and determination. After the fasting month, the test will be more serious to change the mindset. Get used to intermittent fasting and practice it without expecting reward," he commented.

This eating pattern transition, said Prof Hardinsyah, begins with getting used to breakfast to prevent the risk of cholesterol. Then skip lunch or reduce portions. In addition, also by getting used to drinking water according to the needs of the body and exercise in the afternoon.

“The appetite for eating fatty and sweet foods and instant food is also reduced. This habit can be practiced during the Shawwal fast, when people are often served various types of appetizing food," he said.

Meanwhile, he added, how to prevent appetite for foods high in fat and sugar can be suppressed by eating fresh fruits. Besides being able to fill energy needs, the nutritional content is good because it is rich in fiber and vitamins.

In addition, the type and amount of food also needs to be regulated. He suggested increasing the portion of protein compared to carbohydrates. However, of course the needs of each individual are different, for example in children and pregnant women.

"If the weight decreases to a normal weight then it must be maintained, if there is no weight gain, it means it is just right. When after two weeks you feel that your waist circumference has increased, you have to adjust your diet again," he concluded. (MW/Rz) (IAAS/Res)