Got 11 Awards, IPB Again Achieved Platinum Winner at the PR Indonesia Award 2023 Event
The Public Relations Indonesia Awards (PRIA) 2023 held at Aston Denpasar Hotel & Convention Center, Bali (17/3), IPB University received 11 awards in the field of public relations and public information, those were:
1. Platinum Winner/General Champion
2. Public Relations Campaign of the Year
3. IPB University Most Popular in Print and Online Mass Media
4. Gold Winner- Public Relations Department
5. Gold Winner- Digital Public Relations “Socialization of New Student Admission”
6. Silver Winner- Crisis Management
7. Silver Winner- Owned Media “IPB Magz”
8. Silver Winner- Government Public Relations “Anticorruption Education”
9. Silver Winner- Marketing Public Relations “Ayo Masuk IPB”
10. Bronze Winner- “IPB Mobile for Student” Application
11. Bronze Winner- Corporate Social Responsibility Program – Precision Village Data
Rector of IPB University, Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si expressed his gratitude for this achievement. He also gave appreciation for this achievement. “Alhamdulillah, I am grateful that IPB University managed to get a platinum winner in the field of public relations and public information. We are also proud of the Bureau of Communication team that continues to improve communication performance and continues to strive to provide the best information to the public,” said Prof. Dr. Arif Satria, SP, M.Si.
“Hopefully this achievement can be an encouragement to be even better in providing services in the field of communication,” he explained. He emphasised that public relations work is not aimed at imaging, but to communicate the work.
Head of the Bureau of Communication of IPB University, Ir. Yatri Indah Kusumastuti said that this achievement was due to the support and cooperation of various work units at IPB University. “I hope that in the future the support given by the work units will be even greater,” she said.
PRIA Award 2023 judgement took place in a hybrid manner by involving a number of juries. They were Dorien Kartikawangi (Head of Communication School Atmajaya), Emilia Bassar (CEO CPPROCOM), Fardilla Astari (Director of Communication Rajawali Foundation), Elvera Makki (Founder & CEO VMCS Advisory Indonesia and President IABC Indonesia Chapter) and Asmono Wikan (Founder & CEO PR INDONESIA/Secretary General of the Central Press Company Union).
Furthermore, Maria Wongsonagoro (PR INDONESIA Gurus), Suharjo Nugroho (Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Public Relations Companies), Mirana Hanathasia (Bakrie University Communication Science Lecturer), Arya Gumilar (Founder of BAYK Strategic Sustainability), Almira Shinantya (Managing Director of DMID), Titis Widyatmoko (Editor-in-Chief of Brilio. net), Dian Adi Prasetyo (Account Director H+K Strategies), Sam August Himmawan (Editor-in-Chief of, Verlyana Hitipeuw (CEO & Principal Consultant Kiroyan Partners), Mohammad Fahmi (Associate, Juniati Gunawan (Director Trisakti Sustainability Center).
PRIA Award 2023 was attended by 836 corporations, ministries, universities, institutions, and local governments. There were ten categories that were contested. Ranging from the categories of Owned Media, Digital Channel, Crisis Management, Annual Report, CSR, PR Program, PR Department, to Most Popular in Print and Online Media. (Zul) (IAAS/BLA)