Fadhila, IPB Student Had Been Selected as West Java Language Ambassadors

Fadhila, IPB Student Had Been Selected as West Java Language Ambassadors


Raden Ajeng Faadhila Ramadhanti Mustikadewi, a student of School Business of Bogor Agricultural University (SB IPB) was selected as the top 30 West Java Language Ambassadors. Faadhila had been participated in the selection of Language Ambassadors since June this year. Registration of the Language Ambassador starts from 09 – 30 June 2017. Participants were required to submit three-page essay under one theme of three themes set by the committee. At the first stage of registration, Faadhila met 395 other participants from a number of public and private universities in West Java. At this stage the participants are filtered into the top ten to the next stage. The second stage, participants had to undertake  the Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI Ujian Kemahiran Bahasa Indonesia), essay writing, and interviews. At this stage 30 participants were selected for  final stage where they had to undertake a series of talent tests on 15 July 2017 evening.

On the final stage, debriefing for participants were also provided to enable participants to learn public speaking, social media challenges, final proposals and final presentation. The participants have been officially become members of the Association of West Java Language Ambassadors after the samir (sling) granting as West Java Language Ambassadors. The final event of West Java Language Ambassadors was held on 20 July, 2017 at Hotel Travello Bandung, to select the First Winner up to Hopes Championships.

West Java ambassador itself is an arena for the younger generation who care about the Indonesian language. In addition, the participants were also required to learn other local languages especially West Java language namely Sunda, Cirebon, and Melayu-Betawi. Participants of Duta Bahasa will also play important role to urge people to be proud of to use Indonesian language and get used to using local language it can be started from family environment.

"The progress of a country is directly proportional to the number of entries (words) in the country's dictionary. By upholding the Indonesian language and loving the local language, we have brought Indonesia some steps forward and are viewed by other countries, "Faadhila said.

According Faadhila there are about 127 thousand Indonesia words appear in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia = Complete Indonesian Dictionary) V edition,  this number is lagging far behind with England which now has about 500 thousand. The duty of the  Ambassadors of Language are to improve the civilization of Indonesia. In addition, the presence of a Language Ambassador which prevent or discourage speakers from using Indoensian language. The fact that now as many as 14 languages in Indonesia has become extinct because no one has used it. Students of IPB Business School achievements in 2017 and the Ambassador of IPB also added that the Indonesian language is mandatory, ensure to speak other local language, and foreign language is necessary. (Wied)