IPB is in the 4th Place in University Webometric Ranking in the World

IPB is in the 4th Place in University Webometric Ranking in the World


The position of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in  University Webometric Ranking in the World has increased 200 points by July 2017 when compared to the position in January 2017. In response, Vice Rector for Facilities and Business IPB, Dr. Arif Imam Suroso, expressed his gratitude with this achievement. "Alhamdulillah, the position of IPB in in  University Webometric Ranking in the World has increased by 200 points even though for the national rank, it is still ranked in the 4 position as the best Universities in Indonesian, remain the same as last year position," he said.

He further stated that efforts made by IPB actually tried to make its institutional’ web really reflect the activity and performance of IPB. "It turns out that the continuous improvement of institutional’ web quality has resulted in the improvement of various indicators of web evaluation that lead to the stable position of IPB in University Webometric Ranking at the national level. Initially IPB was in the position of 1538th Place as of February 2017,  and then it rises into 1342th position as of July 2017 in the in  University Webometric Ranking in the world, "he added.

He said that the trend in July 2017 showed a good improvement for Presence, Openess and especially Impact, and a slight decrease in the Excellence indicator. However, in particular on the Impact indicator, the increased rank is very significant, from 1,404 to 577.

He said the distance between rank 1, 2, 3 to rank 4 is narrow, approximately 400's and it is still proportional. The situation is in really contrast to the January 2017 edition, where the  distance of between rank 1 to rank 4 is too wide,  more than 700s. "I think IPB achievements this time is pretty good. As the other universities (PT) rank in Indonesia fell, IPB rose 200 points, "he said.

The Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, also known as Ranking Web of Universities, is a ranking system for the world's universities based on a composite indicator that takes into account both the volume of the Web contents (number of web pages and files) and the visibility and impact of these web publications according to the number of external inlinks (site citations) they received. The ranking is published by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) located in Madrid. Webometrics assessment based on activity (weight 50 percent) and impact (50 percent). Activity criteria are further divided into the presence rank or number of pages (10 percent), openness rank or rich files (10 percent), and excellence rank consisting of google scholar (15 percent) and scimago (15 percent). (Wied)