IPB Was Selected Among State Universities to Manage the Implementation STAR Program

IPB Was Selected Among State Universities to Manage the Implementation STAR Program


The Government of the Republic of Indonesia initiated the establishment of State Accountability Revitalization Program (STAR), which is aimed at supporting Indonesian government reforms in strengthening accountability in the areas of financial management and public sector auditing. STAR is a project funded by Asian Development Bank (LOAN ADB No. 2927-INO). For this project, BPKP has been appointed as the Executing Agency responsible for the successful implementation of this program.

To implement the synergetic program between BPKP, universities and local government, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between related institutions for the Development of Center of Excellence (CoE) was signed on 18 July 2017, in Ghandi Auditorium, 2nd floor BPKP Central Building, Jl. Pramuka No. 33, East Jakarta.

The signatories of the MoU were Mr.  Ardan Adiperdana (Head of BPKP) with 9 Governors in the COE development areas. This signing of the MoU was witnessed by Mohamad Nasir (Minister of Technology and Higher Education) and Tjahjo Kumolo (Minister of Home Affairs), to support for the realization of CoE development.

BPKP as supervising practitioners for public sector, and Higher Education as learning institutions that are expert in implementing research program and acquiring theory, as well as local governments which are committed to creating a clean government

One of the STAR programs is the provision of S1 and S2 scholarships for the Finance Manager and the Aparat Pengawas Internal Pemerintahan (APIP Internal Government Supervisory Apparatus) under the Ministry / Institution / Local Government. In addition, STAR also seeks to transfer the knowledge to the local government apparatus through the development of Center of Excellence (Center of Excellence) in cooperation with leading universities in Indonesia.

Effective August 2014 Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) has been selected as one of the organizers for the STAR Scholarship Program, under such project the Faculty of Economics and Management of IPB (FEM IPB) become partners and manager for the provision of STAR Scholarships (DIV, S1 and S2).

"To build a more effective, efficient, law-abiding and effective governance system of central and local government relations in order to strengthen regional autonomy aimed at improving people's welfare," Tjahjo Kumolo said in his opening remark at the opening ceremony of the event.

The event was followed by the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Deputy Director of PIP Polhukam and PMK of BPKP, Binsar H. Simajuntak, for the as STAR BPKP, with Rector 8 Indonesian Universities (North Sumatera University, University of Indonesia, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Diponogoro University, Gajah Mada University, Airlangga University, and Hasanudin University), and with 14 Regents / Mayors (Sleman, Bandung, Gresik, Ngajuk, Anambas, Bogor, Lamongan, Merauke, Gorontalo, Situbondo, Bogor, Purbalingga, Pangkep, Bantaeng And Pare-Pare). Other special guests present in the special occassiona were rector of IPB, Prof. Herry Suhardiyanto M.Sc, and Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Prof. Dr.Ir. Yusman Syaukat.

"The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding of CoE Development between BPKP, Governors, universities and Local Government won’t only affirm the commitment of BPKP, Higher Educations and Local Government for CoE development, but even for the  higher momentum for better accountability of government and Indonesia, "he said.  (Wied)