Students of Computer Science of IPB Earned the Honorable Mention for the Information Security Competition

Students of Computer Science of IPB Earned the Honorable Mention for the Information Security Competition


Three students of Computer Science of Bogor Agricultural University, namely Lu William Hanugra along with Akhiyar Waladi and Radivan Luberiski, were managed to reach the second champion of hope in the event of CompFest organized by the University of Indonesia. The three students referred themselves as the Dramaga Hacker team. The three students were also active in the community of the Cyber Security of IPB (CSI) whose name had been widely recogized in Indonesia.

“The category that we follow is Capture The Flag (CTF). CTF is a competition in the form of a game to introduce the world of security to the users of the information technology. The participants are given the cases with various categories representing the real cases in the world of security. The questions are grouped into the categories such as the binary exploitation, the web exploitation, the reverse engineering, the cryptography, the forensics, and the steganography. The participants successfully work on the problem if they find the flag by exploiting the gap in the given problem,” said William.

The participants from various circles ranging from the professionals and the beginners participated in the competition, thus they made the special impression for William and the team.

“A rather difficult and challenging struggle, because I and the new team for the first time join this competition of CTF, seen from the finalists on average they’ve got a lot of experiences in this competition of CTF, but Alhamdulillah they can take home the honorable mention and make proud of IPB. We even do not expect to pass the final of CTF CompFest, because this is our first CTF competition and Alhamdulillah not supposed we can take home the second honorable mention champion,” he said.

CompFest was an event organized by the students of the Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Indonesia. The CompFest presented as a container for the community to know and follow the development of the Technology and Informatics (TI) with various series of events held such as the competitions, the seminars, and the academics to hone the creativity of the nation’s children in developing and utilizing the technological advances. In addition to being attended by thousands of visitors, dozens of start-up companies and community of TI also helped to enliven the event.

There were several categories that were contested in the event such as the Hackathon, the Capture The Flag, the Indie Game Ignite, the Competitive Programing Contest, and the Business IT Case. No less than 100 teams competed in the event from various circles. William and Akhiyar followed the contest in the category of CTF, namely a competition in the field of the information security.(IRM/Zul)