The Solo Female Singer of IPB Was Named as One of the Peksiminas National Student Art Week Winners

The Solo Female Singer of IPB Was Named as One of the Peksiminas National Student Art Week Winners


Achievement was made by the student of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) at the Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional (Peksiminas National Student Art Week) which was held at the end of the year  2016,  at Haluoleo University (UHO), Kendari, South Sulawesi. In this national event, the solo female singer of  IPB won the prospective winner of the Solo Vocals Keroncong category.

She is Izza Tazkiya, a student of Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB. Izza Tazkiya said that she represented the province of DKI Jakarta as her official residence, but the selection process was  based on the representatives of universities where she studies.

"For me singing is hobby. I've been practicing singing since I have been in junior high. Fortunately it is keroncong folk music,  which actually I have just learned to sing keroncong songs when I have been admitted into IPB. During which encouragement and motivation are two actions that are both given and received by the people in her environment and her parents. Initially I joined IPB Art Contest (IAC) and won the competition, by winning such competition then I  got opportunity to join Peksiminas last year, "said student of the IPB Management Department.

In the future, Izza wants to further develop her talent, to make more friends and relationships with other and Peksiminas participants in the following year. She also explains that she wants to motivate others to work harder for better achievements.

Peksiminas is a very prestigious competition in arts for students of across Indonesia. The Organizer of Peksiminas is Kemenristekdikti by appointing one of the Board of Trustees Art Students Indonesia (BPSMI) as organizing committee of such activities. Peksiminas is a biennial competition. In the year 2016 was the 13th edition of a national arts event in Indonesia. The objective Peksiminas is to cultivate and improve the quality and ability of student to appreciate  arts, both voice art, performance art, literary writing, fine arts and so forth.

The theme of Peksiminas XIII 2016 was  " Inovasi untuk Menciptakan Generasi Emas = Indonesia Innovation to Create the Gold Generation of Indonesia " and was officially opened by Prof. Didin Wahidin, as Director of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). Also attend in the Opening Ceremony were the entire academic community of Haluoleo University and  student representatives 31 universities of 34 BPSMI throughout Indonesia.

A total of 884 students were officially registered as  participants of  the Peksiminas XIII 2016. They were represented universities in 31 provinces, except West Sulawesi, Papua and West Papua provinces that were unable to send their representatives. Peksiminas this time competed 15 Major constituents of the arts include –  Group Dance, Poetry Reading, Monolog, Vocal Group, Singing competitions of both Male and Female Solo Singers, Dangdut Singers, Keroncong Singers,  Seriosa Singers, Short Story Writing, Script Writing, Painting, Poster Design, Strip Comic, Photography, and Group Band. (Wied)