Here is the IPB Environment Ambassador of 2017

Here is the IPB Environment Ambassador of 2017


Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of the Student Executive Board of Student Family (BEM KM) of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) as one part of IPB's student organization initiated a proactive, educative and social environment-based activity, called an award of IPB Green Environmental Ambassador (IGEA) 2017. The event, with the theme "Green Awareness Forerunner”, was held in Sylva PERTAMINA Auditorium of Faculty of Forestry, Dramaga Campus of IPB, Bogor, Monday (22/5). This can be a means of developing the potential and quality of IPB students.

A total of 20 selected IGEA finalists have successfully passed the selection stage and taken the training and activities of IGEA 2017. Now it is the time to choose who is eligible to be the Environment Ambassador of IPB 2017.

Head of Bureau of Law, Promotion and Public Relations of IPB Ir. Yatri Indah Kusumastuti, M. Si said this moment becomes the first step for the finalists of Environment Ambassadors of IPB to pay attention to the useful activities, of course, within the scope of environmental hygiene. They will play an important part in communicating environmental messages toward IPB Green Campus 2020.

Chairman of IGEA 2017Committee, Agus Pratama Damanik explained, IGEA is a training activity of students who have concern over the environmental problems and issues. The various trainings are to improve soft skills and hard skill of the participants and implant the love for the environment.

Vice Chairman of BEM KM IPB, Fahrizal Amir said IGEA 2017 is a training activity for the student cadre with an interest and concern for the environment, especially on waste management. "Waste is very alarming, in Bogor City alone daily garbage can reach 1100 tons, while in IPB it can reach 20 tons per day. Thus, as the Environment Ambassador of IPB 2017, this is a challenge that must be faced, solved and managed properly to create a green clean environment to support the realization of IPB Green Campus 2020," he said.


Apart from the selection of the Environment Ambassador of 2017, seven categories of best finalist were determined. For the Best Costume category, the winner is Anisa Zulfa Salamah, Civil and Environmental Engineering (Fateta / 53); Best Project winner is Yoga Rivaldi, Veterinary Medicine (FKH / 52); Best Social Media winner is Widarni Assyura, Family and Consumer Science (Fema / 52); Best Knowledge winner is Fadiyah Hasta Puspitasari, Sharia Economics (FEM / 52); The Most Interesting Poster winner is Tamyizul Muchtar, Forest Management (Fahutan / 52); The Most Friendly winner is Juleha Permatasari, Communication (Diploma / 52); and as Runner up of IGEA 2017 is again Anisa Zulfa Salamah, Civil Engineering and Environment (Fateta / 53).

The Winner of IPB Green Environmental Ambassador 2017 is Yoga Rivaldi of Veterinary Student (FKH / 52). He is also selected as of Best Project 2017. In the future Yoga will synergize with various activities in IPB in the field of environment, for example at Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM). Further, he is directly involved in the green campus policy because IGEA is to support and contribute to the realization of IPB to be a green campus 2020. (Mtd)