IPB Students Have Created Coboy: Environmental Education Activities and Games

IPB Students Have Created Coboy: Environmental Education Activities and Games


Poor sanitation and waste management in Bogor Regency is a complex problem and touches every aspect of life. It needs comprehensive handling through participative movement and cooperation from every element of society especially young generation role.

For that, a number of Bogor Agricultural University students (IPB) who joined in the Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM Student Creativity Program) attempted to foster a love nature and raise  environmental awareness for younger generations in Bogor Regency. Ilham Maulidin, Winda Komala, Amar Muammar Qadafi, Rahmadini Payla J (Faculty of Agricultural Technology – FATETA) and Mahtuf Ikhsan (Faculty of Forestry – FAHUTAN) have created Coboy (Eco Board Play), a creative game and activities to inspire and educate students about caring for the environment.

Ilham said that their PKM on "Coboy: Environmental Education Activities and Games with Kasmaran bagi Anak-Anak Methods (courtship for children) of Bojong Kampong, Pamagersari Village, Bogor, West Java". "We created an educative and fun media game. We are modifying the monopoly game which is environmentally friendly for children, "said Ilham.

According to him, children in Kampung Bojong tend to be apathetic about the environment. Apathy is a key environmental vice, for several reasons. Since their early childhood, they are used to live in a shabby neighborhood. Such conduct betrays their indifference toward natural beauty and natural habitats as well as toward conditions of survival for their fellow human beings. This condition is worsened as the communities are careless enough to environment, they become accustomed to throwing their waste in streets. Moreover the lower educational background of their parents, both influence their children's moral to be careless and lack of concern towards a healthy environment of Kampong Bojong.


In mid-April 2017, Coboy Team received an Honorable Invitation from Asia-Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) to simulate a game of Coboy (Eco Board Play) at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Jakarta. APRIL was initiated by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia in cooperation with PT. Wahyu Promo Citra.

Present on such special event among others were representatives of partner countries, government officials of ministries and related bodies, forestry sector entrepreneurs, plantations, farms, agriculture, furniture and rattan entrepreneurs, professionals and corporate executives, academics, environmentalists and the public. The five-student of IPB introduced their creative Environmental Education Coboy game, and they were accompanied by both Forestry Ambassador and Climate Ambassador of Indonesia 2017.

"Coboy is an interesting educational game, which provides more insight guides to keep the environment and waste management processes utilizing 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) for children. This is a very innovative game that are easily accepted in the wider community.  The innovative environmental education has been disseminated by really a simple game. It is expected that the IPB’ Coboy game will be developed further and will be marketable in the larger communities, "said one visitor Coboy IPB stand. (Wied)