NAIST Japan Headquartered in IPB

NAIST Japan Headquartered in IPB


Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) Japan for the first time inaugurated an office in Indonesia. Located in the area of Alumni Association Building, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), NAIST office was inaugurated on Friday (8/4). NAIST University’s office was intended to facilitate in managing the collaboration with the universities in Indonesia. 


Rector of IPB, Prof.Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto, thanked to NAIST University that selected Bogor as the office. The Rector said, related to the selection in Bogor, because of the cooperation that had existed so far with IPB that had been intense. “Hopefully with the office in Bogor, it will facilitate the cooperation in various fields, especially for IPB,” said the Rector.


Director and Lecturer NAIST, Sachi Ando, Ph.D conveyed that with NAIST headquartered in Bogor, so that it would be more Indonesian students studying in NAIST, particularly the Postgraduate program. He added, at the moment there were about 300 international students who studied in NAIST. 


The event was attended by the alumni of NAIST Japan coming from State Universities of Indonesia, like IPB, UI and UGM. (Dh)