MSP-IPB Delegation in the Youth Event in Coastal and Ocean in East Asia

MSP-IPB Delegation in the Youth Event in Coastal and Ocean in East Asia


Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) returned to participate in an international youth event. This time, the student of Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Enggar Yulia Wardani, became the delegation of IPB and Indonesia in an effort to support the development of coastal and ocean in Indonesia sustainably and to play an active role in the international sphere.


On 16-21 November 2015, the student of the fast track program of Department of MSP FPIK of IPB represented Indonesian youth in 4th East Asian Seas (EAS) Youth Forum, EAS Congress 2015 themed “Charting the Future We Want: Engaging Young Champions for the Ocean Beyond 2015” in Da Nang, Viet Nam. 


Enggar was elected as the delegation from Indonesia through the selection process by the committee in Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Resource Facility which was later confirmed and approved by PEMSEA National Focal Point of Indonesia and Ministry of Environment and Forestry of RI. Besides Indonesia, several countries in East Asian seas also sent youth delegates to attend this 4th EAS Youth Forum, namely: China, Philippines, Cambodia, South  Korea, Laos, Singapore, Timor Leste, and Viet Nam. The overall number of participants were as many as 66 youths who were also the students and the activists related to the field of coastal, ocean and environment.


During the Youth Forum took place, all activities were attended by the participants with high enthusiasm and participatory, including Enggar who actively followed the entire series of the show covering discussion, team building games, conference and workshop. Various material topics of material to be discussed at this forum as: 1) Youth in Green Entrepreneurship; 2) Youth in Environmental Advocacy; 3) Skills Development;  4) Youth Role in Sustainable Development; 5) Community Engagement, and 6) Blue Ribbon. 


Other than that, on 17–19 November 2015, Enggar and other delegations followed Opening Plenary Conference with the headlines namely: 1) A Decade of Partnership in Sustainable Development of the Seas of East Asia: Synergies and Achievements; 2) Accelerating Actions for Sustainable Development and Climate Change; 3) From Vision to Reality: Aligning the Global Agenda with Local Benefits; and 4) Blue Economy Development: Where are we now? Where are we headed? 


Enggar as the representative of MSP, FPIK-IPB also got the change as Indonesian delegation in presenting the potential of coastal and ocean of Indonesia. She also presented the importance of Indonesian ocean as Axis of World Maritime and helped to introduce the coastal conservation activities featured in Student Association of MSP namely Green Belt Conservation.


During the activity, both in team building, active communicative game, presentation and so on, Enggar was active, cooperative and able to work well. Over the attitude, PEMSEA bestowed Enggar an award of “The Best Congeniality Award” in the event of 4th EAS Youth Forum. Enggar along with her team also received the award from PEMSEA as “2nd Best Winner Team” in the team building themed Scavenger Hunt.


During these activities, the participants from all regions of East Asia Ocean also made a statement of youth (Youth Statement) name DANANG YOUTH DECLARATION: CHARTING THE FUTURE WE WANT. In the activity, Indonesia was one of five countries that took a major role in determining the recommendation of the direction of sustainable coastal and ocean development in the countries of East Asia.***