Students of the Department of Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan of FPIK IPB Are Winners of the International Scientific Competition

Students of the Department of Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan of FPIK IPB Are Winners of the International Scientific Competition


Students of the Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan (ITK –  Department of Marine Science and Technology), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Bogor Agricultural University (FPIK IPB) have recorded another  phenomenal achievement by successfully selected as Go Marine Team. The team who is consisted of Rivalni Septiadi, Bayu Pamungkas, Akbar Habibie, Andhika Nanda Bagja and Dio Andikapadrya Kautsar (ITK50),  and under the guidance of Ayi Rahmat, S.Pi, M.Si as ITK lecturer, won the 2nd and 3rd places in the "2015 Asia Pacific agriculture Undergraduate Student Project Competition" held on 26-28 November 2015, in Pintung, Taiwan. 


"2015 Asia Pacific Agriculture Undergraduate Student Project Competition" is the  annual paper project competition organized by the Global Food Research Center (GFSRC), National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST), Taiwan. This special event is the forum for students to share their knowledge in a variety of research, as well as to improve their professional and communication skills. Under the direction of the field organizers work for special interest, namely agriculture, the OC selected topic on agriculture, such as Agrifood Processing and safety, Sustainable Livestock and Aquaculture Production, Sustainable Soil and Water Development, Economic Analysis of Food Security Policy, and Energy Application in Agriculture.


Twenty four (24) papers which passed the initial selection process were submitted for the competition. Those papers were then to be presented in front of the juries, and they were  divided into three categories depending on their topics. Those 24 papers were from IPB students, who represented Indonesia, and other countries, such as Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand.


Finally, the team of FPIK IPB had successfully won two titles, namely  2nd place on Sustainable Soil and Water Development, and 3rd place on Sustainable Livestock and Aquaculture Production. (Wied)