Incubie of LPPM-IPB, the Best incubator the First Ranking at the National Level

Incubie of LPPM-IPB, the Best incubator the First Ranking at the National Level


Incubator Center for Business and Entrepreneurship Development (Incubie) of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) receives an award from the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs as the Best Incubator at the National Level for Entrepreneurial Incubator Development Program. The submission of the award certificate was done by Deputy for Business Development and Restructuring, Drs. Braman Setyo, M.Sc., in the presence of Mr. Ir. Asril Syamas, M.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Hadi K. Purwadaria of Indonesian Business Incubator Association (Aibi).


Present from the Incubie were among others Head of Incubie, Prof.Dr. Surahman; Head of Business Incubator Division, Dr. Rokhani Hasbullah; and Manager of Business Incubator, Deva Primadia Almada, SP.STp. The awarding ceremony was held at the Golden Boutique Hotel, Jakarta, (24/10) in conjunction with the training activity on Capacity Improvement of Business Incubator Human Resources, attended by the Business Incubators throughout Indonesia.


IPB Business Incubator Center in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small-Medium Businesses (SMBs) from 2012 to 2014 carried out incubation programs for 45 small-medium businesses in West Java. Their areas of business (SMBs assisted) include food processing (62%), agribusiness (22%), and creative industries (16%). The incubation programs include among others technical assistance (training), business meeting, facilitation of capital resources, facilitation in the arragemennt of business legality (PIRT, MD, Halal), exhibition of products, comparative studies, preparation of business plans and business assistance (business management, technical production , packaging design, and others).


On that occasion, IPB Business Incubator Center described a Success Story of Managing Business Incubator. The successful management of incubator relies on several factors, such as the selection and recruitment of tenants, incubator management team's hard work, incubator networking, incubation programs, and availability of operational funds.


Over the last three years (2012-2014 year) Business Incubator Center of IPB received the funding for the incubation programs from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMBs. IPB Business Incubator Center expresses thanks to the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMBs for the award given. Hopefully, the award can motivate Business Incubator of IPB to continue incubation programs to improve the business performance of SMBs so that they can develop independently and grow competitively in the face of the ASEAN Economic Community. (Mtd)