STP IPB University Collaborates with PT Sriboga to Empower MSMEs

STP IPB University Collaborates with PT Sriboga to Empower MSMEs


Science Techno Park (STP) IPB University in collaboration with PT Sriboga Flour Mill held a micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) empowerment event themed ‘MSME Business Sharing’, Thursday (22/6) at the STP IPB University Startup Center Building, Taman Kencana Campus, Bogor.

“IPB University as a techno-socio entrepreneurship and the most innovative campus is very concerned about development and startups. IPB University has developed a science and technology area or STP at the Taman Kencana Campus covering an area of 3.46 hectares for innovation development, technology transfer, and business incubation,” said Prof Erika Budiarti Laconi, Head of the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) IPB University.

The main objective of establishing STP IPB University, said Prof Erika, is to develop the nation’s economy through the growth of MSMEs and startups. STP IPB University is open to MSMEs, startups, and industrial partners to collaborate in developing innovations by involving experts from IPB University.

There were 160 MSMEs, almost 100 percent of which were mothers from various regions in Greater Bogor, Depok, and Jakarta present at this event. Prof Erika said, “The power of mothers, being the backbone of the family economy, I am sure through business training can improve business performance and continue to grow.”

Furthermore, Prof Erika stated, STP IPB University welcomes this collaboration which aims to provide education to MSME-fostered partners. This step is expected to be able to increase the knowledge and skills of MSME players in developing business, both in terms of innovation, marketing, and other management.

Meanwhile, Dr Rokhani as Deputy Head of STP IPB University in the field of Business Incubation and Industrial Partnership explained, STP is an area that is professionally managed and dedicated to the development of innovation, business incubation, and technology transfer. The establishment of STP IPB University was carried out to develop and encourage sustainable economic growth.

“The focus areas developed by STP IPB University are currently tropical agricultural products, food, biosciences, and marine. We hope that the collaboration with PT Sriboga is not limited to business sharing training like today, but in the future, it can be expanded towards the development of flour-based innovations, both wheat and its substitutes,” he said.

Currently, said Dr Rokhani, STP IPB University already has a pilot plant and teaching industry facilities that can support the development of innovations in the food sector. The Teaching Industry building has also been equipped with production line facilities for bottled mineral water (AMDK) and flavoured drinks following the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).

“In 2023, the Teaching Industry Building will be equipped with a biscuit and bakery production line that can work with industrial partners such as PT Sriboga Flour Mill, startups, and in developing innovations. This building can also be a training ground for MSMEs,” said Dr Rokhani.

The Business Sharing event presented speakers Dr Tjahja Muhandri, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Food Science and Technology (ITP), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (Fateta), and Irfan Wahyudi as Director of PT UDSR who is also the owner of Bakpia 701. The event was also attended by Deva Primadia Almada SPi, MSi as an Assistant in the Business Incubator field. From PT Sriboga, Rike Sundari, SSi, MBA as General Manager Commercial, Maria W Handayani as Marketing Manager, and Sugeng Sudrajat as Regional Business Manager West attended.

In this event, a baking demo was also demonstrated with Chef Vidya Sriboga Customer Center (SCC) Bandung. This baking demo emphasizes product innovation, thus helping MSMEs to innovate their products and expand their wider marketing reach. (*/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)