Commemorating World Ocean Day, Lecturers and Students of FPIK IPB University Conduct Coastal Clean-ups

Commemorating World Ocean Day, Lecturers and Students of FPIK IPB University Conduct Coastal Clean-ups


In order to commemorate World Ocean Day as well as efforts to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness and natural beauty, a group of IPB University lecturers and students from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) enthusiastically devoted their time to coastal clean-up activities on Lancang Island, Kepulauan Seribu. The coastal clean-up activity was held on 17/6.

"Coastal areas are often popular tourist destinations. The cleanliness and beauty of the beach is an important factor in maintaining tourist attraction. This not only improves the cleanliness and aesthetics of the island, but also protects the marine ecosystem and the species that live in it," said Prof. Vincentius Siregar, IPB University lecturer, one of the organizers of this coastal clean-up activity.

Located in the Thousand Islands group, Lancang Island is mesmerizing with its 15-hectare area, making it one of the most popular tourist destinations. The natural beauty of this island is not inferior to other islands in the Thousand Islands, with many interesting spots that captivate tourists with stunning scenery and beautiful beaches.

However, in recent years, the island has experienced a serious buildup of waste. The IPB University lecturers and students who joined felt concerned and decided to take concrete action. Armed with cleaning equipment, gloves and garbage bags, they collected the trash scattered on the beach and surrounding areas.

The team of IPB University lecturers consisted of Prof Vincentius P Siregar, Prof Indra Jaya, Dr Syamsul Bahri Agus, Dr Ayi Rahmat, Dr Totok Hestirianoto, Dr James P Panjaitan, Dr Dinar Tri Soelistyowati, Dr Nyoman M N Natih, Muhammad Iqbal, SPi, MSi and Riza Aitiando Pasaribu, SPi, MSi. They explored the coastline to collect plastic waste, bottles, food packaging and various other types of waste carried by ocean currents. 

The collected waste was then transported to the nearest waste processing center. Through this approach, IPB University lecturers and students hope to encourage sustainable behavior change among islanders.

"As lecturers, we have the responsibility to set a real example about the importance of protecting the environment. We are trying to slowly inspire the local community to care about beach cleanliness and take real action to protect the marine ecosystem," said Riza Pasaribu, MSi, one of the IPB University lecturers involved in this activity.

Together with students, he continued, this action is also expected to inspire others to care and participate in maintaining environmental cleanliness as well as a concrete form of implementing the tri dharma of higher education. (RAT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)