IPB University is Ready to Contribute to Indonesian Innovation Through the Business Innovation Center

IPB University is Ready to Contribute to Indonesian Innovation Through the Business Innovation Center


IPB University, through the Directorate of Research and Innovation, carried out the internalization of the Business Innovation Center (BIC) program 115 Indonesian Innovations in 2023 with the theme 'Welcoming the Era of Global Innovation' online via Zoom. This activity aims to inform the selection of 115 Indonesian Innovations in 2023 through BIC.

Prof Sugeng Heri Suseno, Director of Research and Innovation of IPB University in his remarks said, "IPB University has the potential in various programs related to innovation because of around 1,800 research titles, there is a potential of approximately 504 research titles that have complete research roadmaps, so they have the potential to produce innovation."

He added for research accepted at BIC in 2022, there will be an opportunity to get an advanced research program to develop from invention to innovation. The program will continue for inventions accepted at BIC in 2023. In addition, there will be opportunities to receive advanced innovation development programs.

Since its establishment in 2008 through the State Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, BIC has acted as a mediator to optimize Indonesia's innovation empowerment. During the 2008-2022 period, IPB University was the largest contributor, with 609 innovations (39.86 percent) of a total of 1,528 Indonesian innovations in BIC.

"The program for uploading new proposals at BIC in 2023 has now begun to open and ends on July 30, 2023. Several things that support the chances of receiving BIC proposals are that they must have factual information, namely actual data, photos and videos," Kristanto explained. Santosa, Executive Director of BIC.

He added, the proposal must also be able to describe the advantages possessed and emphasize the economic feasibility. In fact, according to Kristanto Santosa, relatively few research results have been marketed by investors/industry, around 15 percent. "There is no data yet on how many tools/innovations are actually used in the industry," he said.

IPB University researchers in this activity also argued, because this program has existed since 2008, it was necessary to give rewards to several innovators whose research results had been selected as winners in the BIC version of the 100 Plus Indonesian Innovation program.

"DRI IPB University is ready to assist prospective innovators in uploading and the process of registering proposals to BIC," said I Ketut M Adnyane as Assistant Director for Innovation at DRI IPB University. (*/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)