BSN Conducts SNIzen Meetup with IPB University Students
The National Standardisation Agency (BSN) held a SNIzen Meetup with IPB University students. SNIzen Meetup is an activity to provide an understanding of BSN to IPB University students. This activity was carried out through collaboration between BSN and the Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University, held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), IPB Dramaga Campus, (5/6).
Dr Ujang Suwarna, Director of Student Affairs of IPB University in his speech said that the SNIzen Meetup activity was expected to have a good impact and many benefits. He appreciated the enlightenment given by BSN.
"This is a good moment so that BSN activities can be understood by students. How to make students understand and be interested in various Indonesian National Standard (SNI) product standards, how BSN builds a standardisation," he said.
This activity, said Dr Ujang, was the beginning of another collaboration between the Directorate of Student Affairs of IPB University and BSN.
Reza Aditya, the resource person of SNIzen Meetup explained various things related to BSN and SNI. Starting from the history and also the leadership of BSN from time to time, also related to the main tasks and functions of BSN. In the event BSN gave some interesting vouchers for IPB University students. The event was attended by a number of student organisations (ormawa) from various faculties and departments within IPB University. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)