Department of PSP IPB University Socialises the Rights and Obligations of Migrant Fishing Boat Crew to Foreign Crew Fishermen in Palabuhanratu

Department of PSP IPB University Socialises the Rights and Obligations of Migrant Fishing Boat Crew to Foreign Crew Fishermen in Palabuhanratu


Department of Fisheries Resources Utilisation (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University conducted socialisation to Palabuhanratu fishermen as part of the lecturer's community service program. The socialisation was conducted at the IPB University Marine Field Station, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi, West Java.

In this activity, a focus group discussion (FGD) was held entitled 'Rights and Obligations of Migrant Workers and Financial Management for Foreign Crew Fishermen'. On this occasion, Palabuhanratu fishermen who will sail abroad as workers on foreign-owned fishing vessels were introduced to various international regulations related to the protection of fishing boat crews. 

One of the rules that has been ratified is the International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCWF) 1995 which explains the rules regarding the protection of crew safety through certification standards and training standards.

"Based on the experience of research on migrant workers, there are still various human rights violations committed by ship owners to crew members, such as unclear salary issues and working hours. For example, fishing vessels from China do not recognise working hours, because the crew's working hours depend on the length of setting (placement of fishing gear) to hauling (lifting of fishing gear)," said Akhmad Solihin, SPi, MH, one of the IPB University lecturers from the PSP Department who was the resource person.

Akhmad Solihin reminded migrant fishermen to fully understand their rights and obligations before working, while working and after working as migrant crew members. This is to prevent various human rights violations against migrant workers.

In addition to briefing on the rights and obligations of migrant workers, Palabuhanratu fishermen also received briefing on how to manage finances while working on foreign ships. The briefing was delivered by Dr Retno Muninggar who is also a lecturer at IPB University from the PSP Department.

"A fisherman who works on a foreign ship has an average income of Rp 25-30 million/month. Life at sea for months leads to a lifestyle of spending money when they go ashore because they will pour out their pent-up desires while at sea," said Dr Retno Muninggar.

She revealed that when they go ashore, fishermen are accustomed to shopping at will, eating whatever they want, and seeking entertainment that they did not experience while at sea. Until unexpectedly their money runs out, there is no savings, no remittances for the family. "This is where the importance of fishermen having the ability to manage funds for family needs, individual needs, savings and future investments," she added. 

The activity was also attended by lecturers from the Department of PSP at IPB University, including Dr Dahri Iskandar, Dr Mustaruddin, Julia Eka Astarini, SPi, MSi and Thomas Nugroho, SPi, MSi. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)