Students of IPB University as the Management of HMI Branch of Bogor, Spread Kindness to Road Users

Students of IPB University as the Management of HMI Branch of Bogor, Spread Kindness to Road Users


Students of IPB University and Tazkia Islamic School of Economics (STEI) who are members of the Islamic Student Association (HMI) Branch of Bogor distributed 100 boxes of food packages for breaking the fast to road users in Dramaga and Laladon, Bogor Regency, West Java (14/4).

Ageng, as the General Chairman of the Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University, stated that this activity was initiated by the Chairman of the HMI Bogor Branch to continue spreading goodness to the community.

“It is a necessity for HMI cadres to continue spreading goodness in all aspects of life. This holy month of Ramadan is the right moment to compete in goodness,” he said.

He added that this is in line with the goal of HMI, which is to develop academic, creative, devoted individuals who are inspired by Islam and responsible for realizing a just and prosperous society that is blessed by Allah SWT.

“This activity is also an opportunity for the HMI Bogor Branch members to strengthen brotherhood. Because in HMI, friendship is more than just being related by blood, even if we are not siblings, we are still brothers and sisters,” he added.

He mentioned that the activity was attended by HMI branch leaders and general chairmen from various faculties at IPB University and STEI Tazkia. “Let’s together revive active, contributive, and positive collaboration to realize a just and prosperous society that is blessed by Allah SWT,” Ageng urged.

Qomardiansyah, a representative of HMI Tazkia branch, added that the distribution of takjil was driven by the spirit of always doing good.

“Whoever spends two properties in the way of Allah, he will be called from one of the gates of paradise. It is the spirit of this hadith that motivates us to do more good, including sharing takjil,” he said while quoting one of the hadiths.

The activity of spreading goodness was well received by the community, including road users around Dramaga and angkot drivers in Laladon.

“Hopefully, this step can inspire others, individuals or organizations, to compete in spreading goodness,” added Sapaat, a representative of HMI Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University. (IAAS/DSR)