Farmers and Fishermen Center of IPB University Invited PT Fega Mariculture to Prevent Stunting Through Fortified Rice

Farmers and Fishermen Center of IPB University Invited PT Fega Mariculture to Prevent Stunting Through Fortified Rice


Farmers and Fishermen Center (TNC) IPB University invited PT Fega Marikultura to overcome the problem of stunting in Serang City, Banten through fortified rice. This was done through the initiation of a collaboration between TNC IPB University, the Vocational School of IPB University and PT Fega Marikultura on Wednesday (29/3) in the Hall of the IPB University TNC Building.

Prof Hermanu Triwidodo as Head of TNC IPB University welcomed this collaboration program well. His party said that the main problems in this program could be focused on stunting alleviation and fish hatchery.

"This program can be carried out by empowering students and the academic community at IPB University to revive the existing land in Serang," the Head of TNC IPB University said.
Svida Alisjahbana, a representative from PT Fega Marikultura said that her party had 250 hectares of vacant land, of which 200 ha was for ponds and 50 ha was for agriculture. The land was expected to be developed by IPB University to be able to help reduce stunting which still existed on the island of Java, especially in Serang.

"This land is expected to be developed by IPB University to participate in efforts to prevent stunting that is currently still happening in Serang," Svida said.

Dr Roza Yusfiandayani as the Deputy Head of TNC IPB University said, "Cooperation regarding the barramundi fish hatchery in the floating cage in the Thousand Islands and the utilization of 200 ha of ponds in Serang also has the opportunity to be carried out."

According to Ir Wahono, TNC IPB University representative, the 50 ha of agricultural land owned by PT Fega Marikultura could be used as fortified rice planting land. He said, "the consumption of fortified rice can be a solution in overcoming the stunting problem that still occurs in Serang City."

"Fortified rice contains the nutrient zinc which is good for pregnant women to consume to reduce stunting rates in Serang City," Wahono added.
Please noted, fortified rice was rice fortified with additional micronutrients. This rice contained various nutrients, namely vitamins A, B1, B3, B12, B9, iron, and zinc.

This activity was expected to be one of the efforts to accelerate the reduction of stunting in Serang City, Banten Province. Based on data from the Indonesian Nutrition Status Survey (SSGI), the prevalence of stunting in Banten in 2022 was 20 percent. (NWE/CA/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)